Monday Mid-Century Mania!

These are our little secrets...
Nobody has to know...
Even the babe's lips are sealed!
Beautiful? Yes. Summer death trap? You betcha. 
Gramps is gonna love this shot. Go on with your baddass hat!
99% in head size up in this bitch!                               
Giving all new meaning to "patio approved." 
Nothin' goin' on here, just taking some random shots. Carry on. 
Oh, what's this? A fountain in the middle of the house? Perrrrfect.
Nope, this party did not suck. 
Speaking of gorgeous...
Holy time travel, Batman. I swear I can't believe it's been almost a month since I left you guys. We got back from our "vacay" (a story to be told at a later date) about a week ago and since then have had one first birthday, 2 monsoons, 3 deadlines and a partridge in a pear tree. Er, something. You get it. Annnnnyway, today's post is dedicated to all things Palm Springs. My grandparents raised my mom there, I spent my childhood there and something deep within my soul says I'll find myself living there one day. (Hubs' soul says otherwise but mine tends to win such battles. Don't tell him I said that.) I don't know what it is about that place. It's the desert, and I live in the desert with the same heat, cactus and sunsets, yet somehow it's totally different. Maybe it's the small town vibe, eclectic peeps or magical mountain backdrop, but regardless, I feel totally at ease there. Always have. Which is why I was stoked when my cousin decided to get married there last month. There are all kinds of details I could get into about the events that took place, but for the sake of sanity (yours, I can assure you) I'm just going to give you the Cliffs Notes. Yes? Yes.

1.) We rented a fab condo designed by my mom's one-time boss and friend, Arthur Elrod. The pool was amazeballs, there were more light switches than I ever knew could exist, one of the bathrooms was totally mirrored (and I thought dressing room mirrors were unkind) and the front door may or may not have seared off my fingerprints. 

2.) The rehearsal dinner was held at THIS amazing house. I don't know what was better - the view, indoor fountain, retractable roof or sunken bar. I'm goin' view, mostly because I almost fell in the fountain because of the sunken bar. Thank you. 

3.) My favorite portion of the program was the architecture tour. You see, my cousin and her now husband are architects, as was my grandfather, so many of their guests were interested in seeing some good 'ole mid-centery masterpieces. We decided to skip every house but one. My grandparents' house, where my mom was raised and I created forts, sunburns and memories. I haven't seen it since I was in high school, and it's had two owners since then, but somehow my cousin gained access. Not only that, but we were able to hang out there, alone, for as long as we wanted. It was amazing. The only thing that's really changed is the expansive lawn that I once knew to be covered with my grandmother's flowers is now halved by a swimming pool. A STUNNING swimming pool I might add. I wish I could show you all the photos I snapped that day, but the owners were pretty specific about maintaining their privacy. I get it. But I can show you the exterior, right? And the fireplace because my kid is in front of it, right? Right?? Okay, good, let's keep that between us. 

4.) The wedding was beautiful and my cousin stunning. Held in the shade of the mountain and among the sculptures of the museum, it was everything I knew it would be and more. My grandfather would have been proud, and I'm sure he was. 

And with that, I'll take a breath. I'm sure I lost you somewhere before Indio, but what can I say? I'm a talker. Let's chat again in a couple days, okay? I promise I'll let you get a word in here and there. Word. 

From Dust to Desert

Well friends, we're outta here. Heading to Palm Springs for my cousin's wedding and then carrying on to cooler climates. Woot! Have I mentioned my cousin is getting married at the Palm Springs Desert Art Museum? Fun fact - it was designed by my grandfather, E. Stewart Williams (photo of the dashing man and his pipe above) AND, my other cousin (we're all very close) also got married there ten years ago this month. Considering my cousin getting married (I swear, I only have four cousins - try and keep up) is also an architect who happens to be marrying ANOTHER architect (still with me?) we're having all kinds of dinners and fun parties at fabulous PS locales like the one above. Oh, AND, my mom worked for and was close friends with Arthur Elrod, so we're staying at one of the places he designed back in the day. What whaaaaat! Disclaimer - it will be 112 degrees. Double disclaimer - it will be 112 where I live, too, so yeah, whatevs. I digress.

I promise lots of pics in the event I don't die of heat stroke. Until we meet again, my pretties!

Beach Blanket Baby

I keep meaning to share pics from my cousin's wedding in Santa Barbara a few weeks ago! We stayed in Carpinteria, rested in Palm Springs and had a blast. I won't bore you with all the deets, but here
are the Cliffs Notes - the weather was amazing, the beach beautiful, the bride stunning and the baby happy. Oh, and there were weird clouds to boot. Seriously, that's weird right? I was strangely obsessed. Whatevs. That is all, carry on!

PS - My other cousin is getting married next weekend in Palm Springs so back we go. All kinds of goodness will be going down there so stay tuned. I know you're excited!

Weekly Whiteout

I love me some shelves. Especially when they look like this. And I don't know what that glorious storage container on the floor is all about, but I want one. Someday my home will again look this organized (and white), and this photo gives me the hope. Get it? Heh.

(image via Moss + Mirrors)

A Wedding With Punch

What's this? An inspiration board?? Yea buddy, gettin' back to my roots! Anywho, I dear friend of mine is planning her wedding and is hoping for a low-key event that keeps it fun, and ahem, affordable.   She's thinking of a whole picnic theme or maybe even just cake and punch. Oh and the decor should be simple and easy to execute, yet convey the festive mood of the day. Right? Right. Personally, I'm obsessed with throwing fresh flowers into canning jars, oh and BLTs. Yep, really can't go wrong there!  Mmmmm, bacon. I mean, mmmmm, marriage.

(Ugh, cannot find my sources for these shots ANYWHERE. I do know dresses are by J.Crew, straws and love sign via BHLDN, ring bearer bowl from Paloma's Nest and multiple other images are from Snippet and Ink. Sigh.)

Just A Little Something That Went Down This Weekend...

That's right, we walk now!! Whhhheeeeee!!!

That is all. Carry on!

Weekly Whiteout

The train in this room reminds me of my own house. Minus the 7,368 other toys. And check those floors - half straight planks half chevron. Thoughts? My inner OCD demands the table and chairs line up perfectly over the seam, but then again, my house has 7,368 toys on the floor so clearly my OCD is wasted.

(image via Emmas)

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