From Dust to Desert
>> Wednesday, June 20, 2012 –
palm springs,
Palm Springs architecture
Well friends, we're outta here. Heading to Palm Springs for my cousin's wedding and then carrying on to cooler climates. Woot! Have I mentioned my cousin is getting married at the Palm Springs Desert Art Museum? Fun fact - it was designed by my grandfather, E. Stewart Williams (photo of the dashing man and his pipe above) AND, my other cousin (we're all very close) also got married there ten years ago this month. Considering my cousin getting married (I swear, I only have four cousins - try and keep up) is also an architect who happens to be marrying ANOTHER architect (still with me?) we're having all kinds of dinners and fun parties at fabulous PS locales like the one above. Oh, AND, my mom worked for and was close friends with Arthur Elrod, so we're staying at one of the places he designed back in the day. What whaaaaat! Disclaimer - it will be 112 degrees. Double disclaimer - it will be 112 where I live, too, so yeah, whatevs. I digress.
I promise lots of pics in the event I don't die of heat stroke. Until we meet again, my pretties!