Hump Day Happiness

If you haven't checked these sites out yet you're seriously missing out. Dear Photograph brings the past into the present while Animals Being Dicks features, well, animals being dicks. Nothin' wrong with that.

Weekly Whiteout

Loving the textures in this photo, and of course the very suspicious kitty. Don't you think he'd make a great dinner guest? Meeeeeow.

(image via Emmas Design Blog)

Sea Section

Oh beautiful beach house, with your smooth stone and tall grass - how you take my mind off all things baby. And to think my second grade said being easily distracted was a bad thing. Take that, Mrs. Shock.

(images from Bo Bedre)

Mama Mia

Considering I'm only a week away (we hope) from people taking ungodly photos of me in various gowned, moaning, groaning and pushing action shots, I thought it only right to post one of my mom in the same, ahem, position. Oh, and another in her super cool maternity wear. (She'll be thrilled to discover I was wearing nearly identical pants yesterday.) My dad sent these shots to me today and I was SHOCKED that I'd never seen them before. I honestly don't know what I love more...that my mom is rocking blue eyeshadow or that she brought her own retro pillow to the party. Also, please note the lips. Did you know that in addition to ballooning bums and boobs, pregnancy can also give you bee-stung smackers?? I did not, but I can assure you that I do now. The hubs has taken to calling me Thick Lips if that's any indication of what's going on up in here. And while YOU may not think my mom's lips justify a Jolie moment, just ask her collection of lip liners, glosses, and chapsticks - we are a normally thin-lipped crew, to be sure. I've always aspired to be like my mom, so I was thrilled to see the curse of the giant kisser is nothing more than a little case of "like mother like daughter." My new question, however, is whether it will be "like mother like son" with the birth of our baby boy? Because let's be real...I look PISSED in that last photo. Oye.

Weekly Whiteout

What's better than an elegant, all-white room? An elegant, all-white STORE dedicated solely to colorful macaroons. Yep, that's a VERY good idea indeed. Thanks to Noe at Adella Avenue for passing it on!

Can You Feel The Heat Comin' From My Undercarriage?

If you haven't seen "Bridesmaids" yet, please disregard the title of this post. And then immediately go see it. Thank you. Annnnnyway, it's been BALLS hot here the past couple of days. So much so, that while I had every intention of seeking out a tropical paradise where the hubs and I could pretend vacation this morning, I somehow ended up here. In Slovenia. In an igloo. I don't even like the snow and I gotta admit this looks mighty appealing in some weird way. Waddya think? Would you ever stay in a hotel made of ice?? Mmmmmm, vodka.

(rental on Airbnb)

Back to Basics

Recently, the mother of a dear friend lost her house to a nasty fire. Thankfully she wasn’t hurt, but she did lose everything she owned. Sigh. Now she’s faced with started over completely, and filling a new house with everything from soap to sofas. As her mom is understandably overwhelmed, my friend decided to take on this HUGE project pretty much on her own, and reached out to me for a tiny bit of help. Through a series of questions (“if you were a chair, what kind of chair would you be” type stuff), we were able to determine that her mom gravitated towards traditional/coastal with a splash of contemporary. Better yet, she gave me a great place to start by falling in love with a bedroom set from Restoration Hardware. Anywho, just thought you’d be interested in seeing my thoughts and ideas. Hopefully they don’t suck. Oh, and the sentence about the lamps keeping the space "like and airy"? Yeah, that should be light. Bah.

1. hathaway swivel glider from Crate and Barrel; 2. elise floor mirror from Pottery Barn; 3. Benjamin Moore paint in elmira white; 4. lancaster whitewash; 5. white dove; 6. "fragmented fields" giclee at Neiman Marcus; 7. creamsicles print from Crate and Barrel; 8. seaglass french ring sheets by Serena and Lily; 9. aqua border frame duvet; 10. aqua border frame shame; 11. aqua diamond quilt euro sham; 12. white introspect frames from Z Gallerie; 13. zak table lamp at Crate and Barrel; 14. bacchus table bedside lamp from Pottery Barn; 15. horsebit large silver tray from Haus Interior; 16. empire rosette sleigh bed from Restoration Hardware; 17. empire rosette closed nightstand; 18. empire rosette 8-drawer dresser

Weekly Whiteout

This rug is haunting my dreams. I've seen it in many shots over the years and realized it was even featured in one of my first Weekly Whiteouts. What do you think it means? Yeah, I think we're destined to be together, too. I'm coming for you, rug...and maybe you too, awesome basket hamper-thingy by the tub.

(image via Style Files)

Lofty Expectations

I'm crazy for all things Ochre. The clean lines of the furniture, the magical twinkle of the chandeliers - I would furnish my entire home with their collection. Then maybe my home would suddenly look like this. Oh, the wonder.

(images by Ditte Isager)

Unfinished Notes To My Unborn - #6

Unfortunately, the f-bomb is one of my favorite words. I’m really hoping to replace it with something more child-friendly in the coming months, but yeah, let’s work on it not being your first utterance just in case.

P.S. It’s little things about your father (like his comment on this post) that fill me with excitement to meet you. To know that you will be an extension of all the incredible things that he is, and that I am lucky enough to be blessed with both of you, makes me the happiest wife/mom/woman on the planet.

Weekly Whiteout

When I'm on deadline and feel more like slacking than writing, I tend to blame my "office." Now 1/4 of our bedroom and shoved in the corner, it's not exactly an, ahem, inspiring space. If I had THIS to work with, however, I imagine I'd not only fly through my deadlines, but take on more clients, start and finish a novel, and possibly run the country. In reality, I'd probably spend all day admiring my floors and gazing out the window, but dammit, I'd be really inspired doing it.

(image via Anna Gillar)

Frugal Fridays - Adjustable Price

While decorating the nursery, I was on the hunt for the perfect side table. It needed to be small enough to fit in between the bed and chair, but big enough for a lamp, clock and drink for me. (I’ll leave the kind of drink to your imagination.) I’d mentally catalogued of a bunch of potential suitors before settling on the West Elm Martini, and this adjustable accent table was one of them. And then, dun dun dun, I actually went to check it out at Design Within Reach. … “does that seriously say $1,150? Uhhh, what dude??” Needless to say, I crossed it off the list. Enter, where I’m convinced I should probably look for accent pieces like this before checking out any other place. Seriously, does anyone else wonder what could be THAT different that charging $1,000 more is justified? Don’t get me wrong, I love me some DWR, but that’s a lot of shoes/handbags/wine. I’m just sayin’.

(Eileen Gray Stainless Steel Accent Table from and Adjustable Table E1027 from Design Within Reach)

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