Tyler Michael

Peeps, I'd like to introduce our newest addition. Tyler Michael was born Friday, July 8th at 9:48 p.m. via c-section. "Why c-section?" you ask? 9 lbs., 14 oz. and 22 in. long, that's why. We're head over heels in love with our little "big" man, and the hubs already has him in training for the NBA.

I'll be taking some time off blogging for awhile, but wanted to share the news before I left you. Until we meet again, here's to long naps, short showers and the smell of newborn skin.

Weekly Whiteout

I love a good blue and white stripe, especially against an all-white background. (Duh.) And seriously? Don't you think photos like this are proof enough that one doesn't ALWAYS have to make their bed?? I'm goin' with it. Now if only I could make not washing my hair this cool.

(image via Decor8)

Unfinished Notes To My Unborn - #7

Baby Mc, you are due tomorrow, July 2. I don't feel any differently than I did yesterday, but the day is young. I just have this feeling though, that you're holding out for what you believe to be a more meaningful moment. Maybe a date dedicated to celebrations, BBQs, friends and family, and fireworks that fill the night sky with magic. Your birth, however, is reason enough to celebrate - we have waited to meet you for so long. I have thought long and hard over the past few months about all the things I want to tell you, the secrets I will share and the promises I'll make, and now seems as good a time as any to begin. My first vow to you is that no matter when you decide to make your first appearance, your birthday will always be my favorite holiday. Because you, little man, are the greatest gift we could ever dream of receiving.

Happy holiday weekend, friends. Here's to a starting out next week with a bang!

(photo by Sassy Bitch Ears)

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