Get Your Grub On

What's that? You'd like to see some pics from my exciting weekend?* Oh, well what a coincidence, I happen to have some right here. Check it - Windsor and Churn - part old-school ice cream shop, part perfect day-drinking destination. $5 Bloody Mary bar, pitchers of beer and Pimms, and some of the best mac and cheese this side of the Mississippi. A bold statement, considering how much I love me some mac and cheese (see disclaimer below). Add to this a 75 degree sunny day and life is good. Oh, and the decor? Yeah, that's pretty rad, too. Why yes, that is an entire wall made of OLD CASSETTE TAPES. What? Yeah. That just happened.

*Exciting weekends these days consist of meals I get to eat not standing up in my kitchen. Also not from a box. Not that there's anything wrong with meals from a box. Especially if they come fully loaded with powdered cheese. Mmmm, fake cheese.

Weekly Whiteout

Ever since revealing the truth about my ridiculously over-pillowed pillow-top, I've been thinking of giving our bedroom a makeover. I'm still in the mood for white linens, but I need to add some color (one big bolster, maybe?). And I also think it's time to switch out some art for some family photos - big ones, blown up, maybe a series, framed in acrylic? Hard to say, but somethin's a-brewin' in this brain of mine. Oh and a new dresser made of something other than particle board. Yea, drawers that actually closed would be sweet, too. Thoughts?? On the room decor not the closing of drawers. Unless you're into that kinda thing.

(image via Emmas)

See, I Told You I Like Color

On this fabulous Friday, I thought I'd share my latest fabulous addition from Michelle Armas. I love the colors in this piece, and how it fits perfectly on the tiny wall outside our bedroom. And the little bits of gold satisfy my craving for a little shimmer while keeping it from being all Studio 54. Even though secretly I'd be fine with that, too.

PS - You can't believe how many pillows live on our bed. Ready? I sleep with 2, Hubs sleeps with 3, I've got 2 kings with shams, 2 standards with shams and 2 throws. Uh, what dude? I feel like Ben Stiller in Along Came Polly. And yes, that's a ceiling fan. Stop judging me.

(Painting via Michelle Armas)

My Dirty Little Secret

I'm having a secret love affair with color. What the what?? I know. Not craaaazy color, but interesting ways it can be incorporated with my long-time beau: white. I love how this apartment pulls it off with unique pieces and textures, and I am flat out OBSESSED with that nursery. Makes me feel like I did all the right things with the painting in my own kid's room. Or at least a little less freaked out that I could be causing him seizures.

(images via La Maison D'Anna G)

Weekly Whiteout

A little white and alotta love. Pun intended.

Tomorrow I'll show you what I came up with in the way of Valentines! You know, after I give them to the Hubs :) Happy love day, all.

DIY for Valentines Day

Peeps, I just realized that I don't have anything for "daddy" from "baby" and I got all sweaty. I know, I know, I don't NEED to do anything (for this holiday I've never found to be a big deal) but what can I say. I'm a sappy wreck these days and just want to. Soooo, I'm thinking something heartfelt and handmade is in order. (The horror.) Here are some of my faves this year!

DIY instructions from top to bottom:
Treat Packages via Martha Stewart
Fabric Hearts Garland via How About Orange
Grade School Valentines from A Field Journal
Cupid's Arrow Cupcake Topper from Creature Comforts

7 Months Of Mid-Week Fun

I know, I know, this is a design blog, so why do I keep posted pics of my kid?? Well, because he happens to be VERY stylish, that's why. I mean, check out that striped getup he's got going on? Right on trend. And that fresh face? No makeup required! What can I say? I'm a sucker for a pretty face, and it IS his 7-month birthday after all.

In other news, Hubs killed a giant scorpion this morning about an inch from the blanket where Baby T plays/rolls/tries to learn to crawl. I'm currently trying to contain my crazy and keep from packing up all our belongings and moving in with my parents by week's end. We've always had these bastards to deal with, but this is the first time we've ever seen one in the winter. Raise your hand if you think it's a sign that summer (when they're more active) is going to BLOW? We've been planning on moving in about a year, but I think we need to step up our game a tad at this point. Unfortunately we’ve got a couple of things standing in our way including being WAY upside down on our property (thanks economy), astronomical rents (in the event we decided to walk away from said property), and not being stoked about living beyond our means (with said rent). On top of it all, we really love our neighborhood AND our condo, but obviously wouldn’t sacrifice our little guy’s safety for any of that. So yeah, mama’s gotta get her shit straight and formulate a plan. Thoughts? I’m taking ideas here, people. Anyone interested having a sweet baby (see above) and parents with sparkling personalities live in their basements rent-free??? No? Fine. Stupid 2012.

Weekly Whiteout

Holy. Gorgeous. Trunks. I love repurposed items like this. Obviously they'd be SUPER annoying to actually keep things in, but aesthetically I think they're amaaaazing. And really, that's all that matters, right?

(image via Emmas)

I'm That Kinda Girl

Did you know this has been the warmest winter on record in 40 years? I'm thinking bad for the planet, but good for my alcoholism. I don't know about you, but I'll be spending a lot of time in patio-approved areas this weekend. Call it camping, if you will. Have a good one, peeps!

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