The Nursery - A Not So Short Story

Well, friends, here it is! The latest version of Baby Mc’s nursery in all its glory. For some reason the pics are making the space look a little bigger than it is, but whatevs, I’ll take it. The whole room started with the fabulous painting by Michelle Armas. Originally I’d thought it would be an over-our-bed piece, but when we found out we were preggers I just couldn’t resist. They say (you know, “they”) that babies love color and texture, and well, this beauty has both in spades. When I thought about this room, I knew only that I didn’t want it focused on Hot Wheels, and that I did want it to be distinct for our little guy without being too far removed from the rest of our space. Hence, modern meets vintage meets comfortable as hell was born. This is where I admit to putting my Eames rocking chair in storage in favor of a custom glider/recliner. That’s right, I said it. There are a few décor-related words that make me want to die, including ceiling fan, sponge paint and recliner, and yet, I went there. I feel better that the pull is hidden deep within the inner cushions, but still. Let’s just say I had to make a choice, and my choice landed upon my ever-widening butt NOT wanting to rest in a hard, cold, plastic shell at 2 a.m. Stop judging me.
As I’m currently having a love affair with blue and gray, I was stoked to pull these colors out against the white furniture. Oh and speaking of white furniture, I had long pictured theWalmart Baby Mod Parklane crib up in here, only to realize the legs wouldn’t fit in glass jars. Glass jars, you say? That’s right, to keep the SCORPIONS at bay. As if being a first-time parent isn’t terrifying enough, these are the kinds of nightmarish things haunting my desert dreams. Bastards. Luckily I stumbled upon the Baby Mod Modena crib and changing table and am just as happy. Ish. The crib skirt and bumper are custom from Carousel Designs, and the sheet is themini dots grey by DwellStudio. And don’t you worry, I promise the bumper is currently just for show and will be retired until Baby Mc can properly turn himself over.
Since this room is also still our guest bedroom, we traded our queen bed for my parents’ pop-up twin trundle that has been around for almost as long as I have. No, not the mattresses, but the frames themselves which are super old and most importantly, super well-made. The picture ledge above the bed is home to our favorite old photos of us as kids with our parents and grandparents. I love the idea of surrounding our newest addition with love and memories from the past. I’m also secretly hoping that the picture of my Viking grandmother will come to life one night when I’m having a stage five meltdown and urge me to pull myself together. She was good that way.
Now that we’re talking about heritage…how ADORABLE is the print above our changing table? A dear friend made it for us, and it reads “sweet dreams” in English, Gaelic, Swedish and Italian, to represent pieces of both the Hubs and me. Such a thoughtful, sweet gift, it makes me teary eyed even now. Hew. And just when I think I’ve recovered, I look to the left where notes from my girlfriends hang - ready to offer a laugh or much-needed piece of motherly advice. Sniff.
This shelf houses a few cherished toys and books from childhood, and yes, that IS a giant apple.
My grandmother knitted these sweaters for me when I was a baby. I wish I could've gotten a better shot, but the top one has a duck and the bottom features two little lambs. So cute!

And last but not least, some little animals to keep the little guy company. I'm kind of obsessed with the sleeping bunny, and also thinking our grown-up bathroom needs another version of Sparkly Pony's whale tissue holder. It's THAT cute.

And we're done! Balls, are you sick of me yet? I'm sick of myself. I am glad, however, that I got to stage some shots for you before real life sets in. You know when q-tips take over the pretty white jars, diapers cover the floor and my sanity heads out the window. I'll be sure and look back at this post when I've been in my bathrobe for three days and have made the recliner my permanent residence. Until then, thanks for hanging with me...and judging me silently!

Weekly Whiteout

Hello, lovahs! Long time no chat. How's things?? I definitely missed you during my little hiatus, but I must say I was able to not only recharge, but I got a TON of stuff done. Boo ya. I should have nursery pics to show you tomorrow, but until then here's a fabulous white space to hold you over. Seriously, how sweet are those windows and doors?? Double boo ya.

(image via Emmas Design Blog)

Please Stand By

Peeps, I'm taking a little break this week. A small MS episode and being about 100 months pregnant has left me feeling a little, ahem, wiped out. I'm gonna take this week to get my life together, get some sleep and hopefully get back to feeling like a human being. You feel me? I'll be back next week fo sho, and with any luck I'll have photos of the nursery to show you. Woot! Until then, (insert elevator music). Smooches!

(photo by Lola's Room)

Unfinished Notes To My Unborn - #5

I’m scared to tell you I have MS, but even more scared you’ll see it before I can.

Along the same lines, just because my vision kinda sucks doesn't mean I won't catch you trying to sneak out when you're older. I'm all kinds of stealthy.

Weekly Whiteout

I love me some good tulip chairs. And Nelson pendant lamps. And shiny white lacquer. And modern furnishings atop old-world travertine. I know, I know. I'm easy. Er, something.

(image via Design Shimmer)

Two If By Sea - Kate's Custom Collection

Kate from San Francisco sent me a super sweet email this weekend asking if I could create an inspiration board for her new space. Well, duh! I love this stuff almost as much as frosting right outta the tub (don't judge, I'm all kinds of pregnant these days). Annnnyway, Kate is having a tough time incorporating her southern Cali roots with her current northern Cali digs, and on top of it feels like her style may be too girly for her new hubs. I could totally relate to her worries, as right after my honeymoon I tried to introduce pale pink pillowcases into our boudoir. Uh yeah, that wasn't a hit. The bottom line is that no matter HOW many times the men in our lives tell us they don't care what we do, they're still not down with rainbows, potpourri and stuffed animals on the bed. Brew no. So, Kate, here's a plan I'm thinking might work to keep you both happy, and above all, unicorn-free.

First, let's talk color. Pale blues, grays and creamy whites are pretty gender neutral and will remind you of your favorite beaches back home. The textures of rope and wood are a great way to add interest without overwhelming your man with too many patterns (it's all about baby steps, friends). Plus, I happen to have a weird obsession with driftwood and let's be real, that bed flat-out ROCKS. I'm also loving the bowls with gold rims to hold your pretties. Earrings, necklaces, hell, even keys would look gorgeous living there. It's a way to keep your girly side organized without being under lock and key. I mean, we ARE girls after all. Sheesh. Finally, the wall flower art reminded me of all the under-water beauty you talked about seeing on your dives, and the photo is a great upgrade to the shirtless-surfer posters we all had in college. (Mmmmm, surfers.)

So there you have it! Kate, I hope you're able to glean at least a little inspiration from what I've pulled together here. Keep me posted on how everything turns out and remember, at the end of the day, we ladies have ways of making our fellas see the style light. I'm just sayin', sister!

wakeful ikat sheet set at Anthropologie, wall flower art at Jayson Home and Garden, surf life print by isofoto, pom pom pillow covers at West Elm, Benjamin Moore paint in van courtland blue and ozark shadows, dishes via Up In the Air Somewhere, menlo lamp and illusion end table from Anthropologie, linea bed at Crate and Barrel)

Unfinished Notes To My Unborn #4

Sometimes I sing really loudly to old-school rap songs that I should probably deem inappropriate for babies. Until you’re of age to remember though, I plan on pretending they’re lullabies. Word to yo' motha. (Literally.)

(print via Hula 70)

Weekly Whiteout

You'll be happy to know I spent a good chunk of last week getting my life together and organizing the nursery. I figured I better get on it before Baby Mc arrived only to then suddenly vanish under a pile of clothes/diapers/tiny person socks. Now the room looks like this. Woot! Okay no, not really. Secretly I was hoping because Mari Erikkson took this photo and my very own mother's name just haaaappens to also be Mari, that as soon as I posted it some magical fairy would sprinkle white dust over the room and poof, it would be transformed. Hmmm, on second thought, maybe the sprinkling of white dust begs more for designer drugs than designer digs. I'll rethink this plan and get back to you.

Frugal Fridays - Best Foot Forward

I know I know, it's been a LONG time since I've done a Frugal Friday post. And I also know I normally focus on home decor, but I just couldn't resist. So yeah, we're breaking all the rules today. You in? The thing is, kankles with a side of Flintstone feet SUCK and I find myself having serious shoe envy lately. It's not that I don't love my flip flops day in and day out, but it'd be super sweet to have options. Options like these fun espadrille-esque flats...especially for $14. Stupid Flintstone feet.

(Kate Spade lido flats, mossimo supply co. ownah stripe espadrilles at Target)

Shades Of Summer

Today I'm sucked in by the watery colors of these images from Studio Fludd. If I could, I'd design my whole house around this palette, and maybe even my makeup. Don't judge - you know you love it. Cool blue rules.

Gray Matter

Haven't you heard? Gray is the new white. Okay no, not really, but it's almost equally as fabulous in my book. Almost. Something else fabulous? The reclaimed wood dining table and side table on casters. Loooove it (singing).

(images via Skona Hem)

Weekly Whiteout

Textures, oh glorious textures, how I love thee. And dresser, let me count the ways...sigh.

(Image via Emmas Design blog)

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