Weekly Whiteout
Hallow, Easy Costume
What better way to start our week than by introducing you to the easiest Halloween costume on the planet? I'm pretty sure these killer ponchos are the love-child of pajama jeans and muumuus, and frankly, I couldn't be more stoked. I mean honestly, did you read my post on Friday? I'm a woman on the verge, people, and trying to squeeze my ass into a sexy nurse/devil/Disney character getup makes me want to die. But a blanket with a face? Now that's a fashion statement I can get behind. Literally.
Who I Am Today
Weekly Whiteout
Dear Maternity Jeans,
Weekly Whiteout
Well helllllllo glossy white cabinets, white subway tile and GORGEOUS butcher block counter tops. I don't know your story, but your style's got me all hot and heavy. If you're not doing anything later, I'd love to spend the day together. Or the night. Mmmmhhhhmmm, that just happened.
(image unknown)
I Am 3 Months Old
Super Pumper
Vast wasteland of cubicles.
Ongoing internal debate about the pros and cons of continuing to breast pump now that I’m back in the office.
Conversation about such saga with fellow mother/co-worker/friend
Me: “Pumping at work sucks, but…”
Her: …“it’s the most unselfish thing we can do for our children.”
Me: “Totally.”
For the record, I was about to say “but it burns so many calories.” Happy Thursday.
Selfish Mom