Weekly Whiteout

Oh, hello lovely fireplace. As if I needed MORE reasons to never leave my bed.

(image via Julie)

It's Cramped Up In This Bitch

Trust me, I’ve gotten good at purging over the last year, and I know damn well that possessions don’t mean squat at the end of the day. But what does one do when their kid is a hoarder? Obviously he’s not sitting in a corner rocking back and forth while neatly stacking old magazine articles or anything, but let’s be real. Kids = STUFF. I like to consider myself a minimalist for the most part, and before his birth, I thought all Baby T would need would be our love and maybe a wooden block or two. Bwahahahaha. At some point I’ll post a pic of my living room to prove just how off base I was. In the interim, I’m dreaming of clean spaces and summer homes worth escaping to. After I win the Lottery. And travel with a cleaning crew. Thank you.

(images via Bolig)

A Toast To Tatas

Sometimes the only way to move forward is to let something go. Today, my beautiful cousin, mother of two young boys and home to double Ds is undergoing a double mastectomy. For once, I don't have many words, but I DO have a lot of hope. Hope that her surgery is quick, that her recovery is speedy and that the outcome is positive. Here's to remembering to breathe and the renewed joy of going braless.

(Photo via lumieredumatin)

The Goods On The Globes

Seriously, wouldn’t it be all kinds of awesome if I could post more than once a week?? I vow to be better. I may even shoot off TWO in the coming days.

Now on to serious business. Did you watch the Golden Globes or what? I tend to care only about the Red Carpet at such events, but a rekindled love for Ricky kept me glued to the set for the entire affair. I discovered several things about myself as the minutes ticked by: 1) I need to get out more. (Seriously, The Artist? No clue.) 2) I’m mildly obsessed with nude. Not THE nude, but the color nude. I would consider rocking a Snookie-like spray tan to pull it off on a daily basis. How snoozeville does that make me?? I mean, is nude even a color? Whatevs. Point is - most of my favorite getups were of a nude shade. I mean, I had a couple others. Silver and black mostly. Holy hell, you’d think I could throw some color up into this bitch, but no, not so much. Does that make me boring? Do I need to spice it up a bit?? No? Good, ‘cause it sounds like entirely too much work. Thankfully there are sweet furnishings to combat my inner bore. That makes me fun, right?

(all Red Carpet images via E!, John Van Koert brass and turquoise chairs at 1st Dibs, chrome base swivel chairs from Pieces Inc., deco style chandelier via Pieces Inc. sputnick wall sconce from 1st Dibs, Murano glass pendants at 1st Dibs, modern bar cart from Pieces Inc.)

Sup. I'm 6 Months Old.

And why yes, I sure am rockin' camo PJs. I also can't decide if I like sucking on my fingers or a pacifier, but it's cool. Don't try to box me in. A man's gotta have choices, ya know? In fact, I think I'll have some mashed squash AND peas today. 'Cause that's just the kind of rule-breaking, 6-month old badass I am.


I have a lot of friends who moved to the desert from other parts of the world, and as a result, never feel that Christmas is very "Christmasy." No snow, blah, blah, blah, blue skies and 65 degrees, blah, blah, blah. They did not, however, grow up with my mom. She has this way of making everything magical, and this year was no exception. Surrounded by twinkling lights, perfectly wrapped presents and lots of family, Baby T's first Christmas couldn't have felt more festive. Christmas Eve was spent drinking too much Aquavit and singing Helan Gar (as happens every year), Christmas Day was dedicated to PJs, and Christmas Night left us happy and full of yummy food and wine. From her beautifully decorated home to her willingness to open her door to guests near and far, my mom embodies everything I hope to be to my new baby son. Thanks, Mom, for being the kind of mother I could only dream to be, and for making everything beautiful. Always.


Weekly Whiteout

Happy 2012, friends! I could go on and on (and on and on and on) about resolutions, but instead, I think I'll just say this - here's to high hopes, big milestones, white lacquer and the Mayans sucking at math. Word.

(image via The Hidden List)

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