Gimme Shelter

Architect Cary Tamarkin built his home for his family on Shelter Island, New York and I’ve decided I’d like to be adopted. I love how he keeps his lines clean and his décor minimal to instead focus on the natural elements of light, wood and water. I also love a space that doesn’t seem like it’s trying too hard, you know? Kind of like when you spend hours on your makeup to make it seem like you’re not wearing any. These days I’m all about searching for kid-friendly interiors, and with built-in furniture that won’t break and concrete floors that beg to get wet, this house more than fits the bill. Speaking of bills, how much do you think he’d charge for his designs? You know, gotta get my ducks in a row for when I win the Lottery/write a bestseller/score a reality TV gig/sell my soul to the devil.

(images by House Beautiful)

Weekly Whiteout

Holy holidays. Anyone else shocked that it’s almost December??? I seriously just realized how long it’s been since I last posted. WTF? I swear someone is coming into my house in the middle of the night to steal my waking hours and I’m finding it horribly offensive. If he/she would like to steal some from my kid, however, I’d be totally fine with it.

Today I’m dreaming of a giant tub, a little natural light and an hour of silence. Oh and possibly a box of wine. Yep, no shame in my game.

(image via Skona Hem)

Your Seaside Subscription

People, if you know about 20x200, you already know about Christian Chaize and his Praia Piquinia collection. (If you don't, get on it will ya?) I purchased two of the now mostly sold out photos and have long wished I'd snapped up more. That is, until I happened to come across this amazing opportunity on his website. Chaize is currently offering a subscription for just $600. For this price, he'll send you six 16x20 photos that are meant to work beautifully together, or on their own. Additionally, he'll send you a NEW print for every year he continues this collection, and all you'll have to pay for is shipping. Soooo yeaaaa, not that I have an extra $600 laying around, but I just may have to ask Santa to work his magic. Hear that, Santa? Just checking.

Get the Praia Piquinia subscription HERE.

(photos by Christian Chaize)

Weekly Whiteout

Loving everything about this room. The pattern of the wood floors, texture of the tree, size of the light fixture, combination of the stone desk and Eames chairs, and of course, that heart. I wouldn't like at nearly as much if it sat empty, but with the single, offset photo? Brilliant.

(image first seen on Greige Design)

4-Month Moves

Man, this place is dead today. Not a cub or a coug worth talking to up in this mix.

Oh wait, what's this? Well hellllo there, mamacita. Why thank you, I know I'm way more mature than my four-month age would lead you to believe. You're not so bad yourself. Now that the pleasantries are out of the way, waddya say we crack open a bottle of the house's finest?

Seriously, what can I do to make this happen? I'm willing to do just about anything to close the deal.

Eeesh, sorry, I get a little grabby when I'm excited. Bad hands! I swear I'm a really nice guy. Even a bit of a mama's boy if you can believe it. but seriously, how about that bottle?

Weekly Whiteout

Kind of obsessing over the textures in this room. And isn't that tree fantastic??

(image via Emmas Design Blog)

Home, Home On The Range...

While I was down for the count after cataract surgery last week (yah, I'm 80, what's it to ya?) and enjoying guilt-free DAYTIME sleep, I was dreaming of a fabulous vacation. I know - daytime sleep and a vacation?? Unheard of, but whatevs. Usually my fantasies involve sandy beaches and warm blue waters, but not this time. Maybe it was because of the rain we got or that the temp finally dipped below 80, but I was suddenly craving a cozy fire and crunchy snow underfoot. Oh and yea, I'd like to experience both in this place. The Amangani Resort is a luxury locale in Jackson Hole, Wyoming, and it's open year-round. Not that I would go anytime other than the winter because it would obviously suck (rigggggght, see photos above). "What does the lovely name of the resort mean?" you wonder? Peaceful home. Yep. I approve that message.

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