Frugal Fridays - My Mission is Clear

Every now and then, I spot something I feel I can't live without and subsequently embark upon what my best friend calls "a mission." In the past, missions have unfolded for handbags, flip flops, hairstyles, nail polish, men, perfume, handbags again, and various bits of home decor. Well Best Friend, brace yourself...acrylic is where it's at. Word.

(peekaboo coffee table from CB2, acrylic waterfall table from Aaron Thomas)

Tea-timer? Two-timer.

Okay, could this post be ANY later?? I blame it on work. I blame everything on work. Admittedly, some days it’s tough keeping up with what I love when what pays the bills is calling. And calling. And stalking. Ahhh, the double life I lead.

On that note. Spot of tea?

(panel piece from Scandinavian Surface, tea trolley at Matter, printed vintage napkins by pi’lo, photograph by Alice B. Gardens, number vases at Cox & Cox)

Bring it Home

It was Modernism Week a few weeks ago here in the desert, and I was lucky enough to take part in their home tour. I loved snooping around people's abodes and trying to understand their differing tastes and points of view (some great in my opinion and some well, you know). Though I won't bore you with EVERY shot I ended up taking, I thought these offered some interesting ideas! Oh, and you'll have to forgive, my, ahem, photography skills and peeps in the background. Just try and think of it all as really artsy.
Things I loved most: the shelving and artwork display in that bedroom, the symmetry of the desert landscaping in the shot above, the handmade round fountain, and every single thing down to the nails of the glass house with rectangular pool. I was only allowed to take pictures of the exterior but trust me...STUNNING. Oh and it's for sale. For a cool 1.5 million.
P.S. Check out my mom in the white hat (she's an interior designer)...hand on chin...thinking...observing...taking it in. Ha. She'll looooooove that.

Weekly Whiteout

Over the past few months there have been several Weekly Whiteout posts thanks to the files of Lo Bjurulf, arguably one of my favorite stylists, well, EVER. And now, as if I needed another reason to adore her, she's teamed up with Ikea. Inspired by the upcoming crown princess wedding in Sweden, she's put together various table settings using origami and white items from their line. Brilliant.

Frugal Fridays - Dine on a Dime

If you didn't already know, CB2 ROCKS. Great style at great prices, the only thing they've got working against them is they don't have a store in my state. Boooo. Otherwise though? Love it. Love it all.

(saarinen round table at DWR, odyssey white dining table at CB2)

Got a Light?

Though yesterday's post allowed me to explore my dark side a tad, it also further demonstrated my allegiance to the light. Natural light, that is. Now my sense of humor on the other hand? Well that's a different story.

(waterfall ruffle duvet cover from Urban Outfitters, paris bedroom chair from Canvas Home Store, wall art from Jayson Home and Garden, woven hamper from Brookfarm General Store, illusorio cabinet from Anthropologie)

Haunted by a House

What are your thoughts of beauty in sadness? When I first saw this collage wall, I found it very interesting but also incredibly depressing. Maybe it’s the colors, or the specific images, or maybe it’s just me, but there’s something a little creepy about the look in its entirety. Then again, I saved it to use in a board so it must be doin’ something right. You know, like Joaquin Phoenix. You don't really want to like him, but well, you just do.

(flora and fauna placks from Sprout Home, halo chandelier at Anthropologie, collage wall via Busy Being Fabulous, quilt sofa from Matter, casey side tables from Arteriors Home via Clayton Gray Home)

Weekly Whiteout

(image styled by Lo Bjurulf via Emmas Design Blogg)

Okay, so this image is cheating ever so slightly thanks to the hints of black, gray and silver. But then again who doesn't appreciate a little black, gray and silver? I just love the expressive photography and how interesting each everyday item looks when used together. Almost as if they have a story to tell. To me, it goes kinda like this:

- Guy on left looks to the Heavens after a tough day at work.
- He decides to forget his worries by pouring himself a hefty glass of vino.
- A delicious dinner ensues, rounded out by a giant bowl of ice cream and satisfying cup of coffee.
- A wave of calm rushes over him as evident in photo No. 2.
- He blows out the candle (not sure what the white item is, but I'm going with it) and settles into deep slumber.
- Awakening the next morning, he throws up his hands in disbelief that he's slept through his alarm and quickly downs a glass of water with a side of aspirin.
- Realizing his relaxing evening was worth a missed meeting, he puts on a pot of tea and deems the silver kettle worthy of such a revelation.

The end.

China Doll

LinkThese watercolors make me happy. Shocking, coming from a person whose favorite colors are white and clear. And while all these pieces together may equal Chinoiserie overload, there's also something regal about the look. I mean regal as in stately, not as in Regal Beagle, for the record. Come on, you know you were thinking it.

(blossoms series 43 and 22, original watercolors by Yangyang Pan, chinoiserie bed from Anthropologie via Apartment Therapy, chandelier via Chinoiserie Chic, asian inspired end tables from Pieces, macau armchair from Ballard Designs, ming console by Mitchell Gold + Bob Williams at Bloomingdales)

Weekly Whiteout

Love the light, love the fireplace, love the floors, love it all.

MWF Seeks a Little Inspiration

I’m a big fan of art that offers a more abstract translation of inspiration rather than a literal one. Though, I do have one letterpress print hanging in my bedroom that I absolutely adore (first one above). Curious.

So on this Monday I’m just wondering…how do you feel about them?

(pretty amazing from Sarah Gardner, journey via West Willow, live the dream from By Lee Design, life whispers by Laurel Denise, be inspired by Coffee Shop, let life happen by Originaux Moose)

Frugal Fridays - Fitting the Mold

I have long been obsessed with Eames chairs in all shapes and sizes. Lately, however, it's been the molded plastic editions that really get my heart racing. (Seriously, when I hit the jackpot on Craigslist, it was almost better than, well, you know. I'm just sayin'.) While I am by NO means a brand name snob, there are some things I simply won't bend on for a knockoff. You know, important things, like medication, wine, and purses. Chairs on the other hand, especially these chairs that look EXACTLY the same? Yeah, I could get down with that.

P.S. I lied a tad about the wine. Two Buck Chuck owns my heart.

(ayers wire base armchairs at, eames wire base armchair at Hive Modern)

Weekly Whiteout

(image from Julia)

There's something really captivating about this bedroom. The pale colors of course, but also the lines of the bed, and the simplicity of the interior. I feel like I'd sleep forever there. Mmmm, sleep.

Dear Husband...

Here are the top 20 reasons why:

20.) Your delicious cooking (specifically your spaghetti sauce).
19.) Your forgiveness of my less-than delicious cooking.
18.) Your dedication to shows like The Bachelor and Real Housewives of ___ .
17.) Your deep-rooted love of ‘90s rap.
16.) Your acceptance of my inappropriate laughter.
15.) Your patience with my need to scatter flip-flops throughout our home.
14.) Your ridiculous soft feet that make it clear mine never see socks.
13.) Your ability to put your OCD on cruise control on my behalf. (See #15)
12.) Your understanding of the truth that most things suck on Tuesdays.
(Except for today, of course.)
11.) Your cooperation in recognizing cheese as a basic food group.
10.) Your tolerance of my decorating triumphs and tragedies.
9.) Your oath to always have my back. Even when I’m wrong. Not that I ever
8.) Your shameless obsession with fruity cocktails despite my propensity towards
7.) Your readiness to kill the bugs I will not.
6.) Your knack for making me feel pretty even when I look homeless.
5.) Your willingness to choose from only our four approved adjectives when asked about my outfit: cute, hot, fun, beautiful.
4.) Your dashing good looks.
3.) Your adoration of my side of the family and all their quirks.
2.) Your optimism that acts to balance out my cynicism.
1.) Your unwavering acceptance and love for me…in sickness and in health.

Happy anniversary, sweets. Marrying you was the best thing I’ve ever done.

Toast of the Town

There are many things I love about our condo. To name a few, it’s cozy, easy to clean and prevents a lot of, ahem, unwelcome guests. Then again, there are things I’m unable to do because of limited space. You know, like have any privacy, or try P90X in my living room. Not that I WOULD do P09X, but it’d be nice to have the option. A more realistic desire, however, is to have a great bar. A glorious built-in complete with wine cooler, crystal highballs and glass shelves. Oh, and a great view, and maybe a swanky couch to enjoy it from. That’s not asking too much, right? Rigggght.

(night lights print by Raven & Lamb at Little Paper Planes, metal accordion side table from Urban Outfitters, reyka vodka, x-ashtray gold blue by Gabrielle Lewin via Kikkerland, new arcadia arabesque double old fashioned glasses, chartreuse from Barneys, wells three-cushion sofa at Room and Board)

Frugal Fridays - Headliner

Man, I love me some Target. Not only is this a great price for a tufted headboard, but I actually like it better than most of the others I've seen. Cheap and chic. I totally support that message.

(camden tufted bed from Ballard Designs, seville tufted headboard from Target)

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