Here are the top 20 reasons why:
20.) Your delicious cooking (specifically your spaghetti sauce).
19.) Your forgiveness of my less-than delicious cooking.
18.) Your dedication to shows like The Bachelor and Real Housewives of ___ .
17.) Your deep-rooted love of ‘90s rap.
16.) Your acceptance of my inappropriate laughter.
15.) Your patience with my need to scatter flip-flops throughout our home.
14.) Your ridiculous soft feet that make it clear mine never see socks.
13.) Your ability to put your OCD on cruise control on my behalf. (See #15)
12.) Your understanding of the truth that most things suck on Tuesdays.
(Except for today, of course.)
11.) Your cooperation in recognizing cheese as a basic food group.
10.) Your tolerance of my decorating triumphs and tragedies.
9.) Your oath to always have my back. Even when I’m wrong. Not that I ever
8.) Your shameless obsession with fruity cocktails despite my propensity towards
7.) Your readiness to kill the bugs I will not.
6.) Your knack for making me feel pretty even when I look homeless.
5.) Your willingness to choose from only our four approved adjectives when asked about my outfit: cute, hot, fun, beautiful.
4.) Your dashing good looks.
3.) Your adoration of my side of the family and all their quirks.
2.) Your optimism that acts to balance out my cynicism.
1.) Your unwavering acceptance and love for me…in sickness and in health.
Happy anniversary, sweets. Marrying you was the best thing I’ve ever done.