Weekly Whiteout

I'm all for this gorgeous bed cohabiting with the modern chair. The windows and floors are kind of speaking to me, too. You know, if you're into that whole "natural light" thing. Great for makeup, maybe not so much for the random chin hair you'd rather ignore. I'm just sayin'.

(image via Living Etc.)


Happy Thanksgiving, boys and girls! Do you have big plans? We're heading to Palm Springs for some fun in the sun, and stuffing, and wine, and family, and wine, and well, you get it. Turkey Day is the big holiday with our clan, and the time I get to catch up with aunts, uncles, cousins - generally my favorite people on the planet. It’s been a long-standing tradition that before getting our grub on, we all stand in a circle, hold hands, and have the opportunity to give thanks for the year’s biggest blessings. Sounds cheesy, but it actually rocks. It’s the place we’ve all laughed and cried, honored those loved and lost and voiced our thoughts about the most memorable moments. I have a lot to be thankful for this year, including each of you. So thanks so much for reading and giving me another thing to talk about. My family will be thrilled. xo

(images via Emmas Design Blog)

Weekly Whiteout

Mirror, mirror on the wall...I think I love you. Sigh.

(image via DecoFabulous photostream)

A Marriage of Style and Scenery

Holy balls am I behind today. Happy Monday! Grrrrr. Okay, while Mondays may not be my fave, this wedding was. Remember when my girlfriend got married last month and I promised you some pics? Well, here they are. How beautiful is this couple (er, the bride and groom not the bride and me)? How amazing is the scenery?? Everything from the food to the flowers to the mood was perfection, and I couldn't be more thrilled for the happy couple. Speaking of flowers, check out the bride’s blog and see what we did for $100. WORD.

Frugal Fridays - Don a New Day

Can't you just see Don Draper passed out here? Empty bottle of booze in one hand, half-lit cig in the other. Pending a disastrous fire, me thinks that's a hot enough scene to try and recreate in my own home. No pun intended.

(Design Within Reach Bantam Sofa, Urban Outfitters Night and Day Convertible Sofa)

West Elm To The Rescue

Every September, I seem to always declare that this year will be different. I will shop early, wrap immediately and not sweat the mall the week before Christmas. Think I’ve stuck to my guns? Not so much. All I can say is, thank GOD for West Elm. Have you been there lately? Not only does their style and home décor rock my world, but this year they seem to have something for everyone. Today I looked through stocking stuffers, gifts for him and her, presents for kids and about 1,000 things I’ll buy for myself and make my husband wrap. Take that, Restoration Hardware.

Hello Lovah

Today I’m dreaming of blowing this popsicle stand and heading to the surf, sand and sun in style. Have you ever stayed at a Rosewood resort? I have not, but I feel like this one would complete me. Sorry, hubs, you can come too...unless you want to do something active in which case the deal is off.

(Rosewood Mayakoba, Riviera Maya, Mexico)

Weekly Whiteout

I love this room. Partially because it makes me laugh that it's located in England and not Arizona, but mostly because of how cozy it feels. There's something about the small size of the space, large windows and sweet fireplace that makes me want to sit on the floor with a cup of coffee and bask in the morning sun. Glorious.

(home via Shoot Factory)

Dear Carol...

Today is the day you begin your battle with cancer. It’s the day you’ll remember for all the wrong reasons, and the one I tell you with utmost certainty that you can do this. You WILL beat this. On this day, more than any other, I wish you peace, grace, strength and an extra dose of resolute fight that you already possess.

I know we joke about being glass-half-empty-girls, but I also know the depths of our will to overcome. Your lymphoma, my MS – they’ve got nothin’ on our spirit. Yes, our future may be slightly different than that of our friends, but it is no less bright. Yes, the next few months will be challenging, but your story will be richer for it.

Shortly after I was diagnosed, I came across this quote that now hangs in my closet: “There is in every true woman's heart, a spark of heavenly fire, which lies dormant in the broad daylight of prosperity, but which kindles up and beams and blazes in the dark hour of adversity.” I look at it often, and on the days I feel defeated it reminds me that my determination will eclipse my disease. It has to. I’ve learned that it’s in the darkest moments where we unearth our true character, discover genuine passions and draw from inherent courage. In short, it’s the bitter than makes the bliss taste so sweet. So today, dear friend, please do not be afraid of the dark. You are brave, you are beautiful and your friends are holding you in the light.

Celebrate The Scandinavian

So there I was, minding my own business, making my daily trek from the parking garage to my building when it hit me like a ton of bricks – I was COLD. For the first time in at least eight months, my flip flops seemed horribly inappropriate. It suddenly feels like fall and I finally feel excited for Thanksgiving with the whole family, a Swedish December in honor of my grandmother and a holiday in Chicago with real live snow. Twirl! I can’t wait to decorate my crib for the festivities, and while I’m not sure I’ll be as brave as the rooms in these images, it sure is fun to look.

(images styled by Eva Lindh)

In Living Color

Brace yourself – some days I feel sick of white. What?? I know! It must be the moon or alignment of stars, but I’ll admit it does happen. The problem is color just never truly seems to work in my mix. For example, anyone who knows me would have a stroke if I A.) ever rocked a red shirt or B.) ever put a red patterned pillow on my couch. It just doesn't FEEL right, or at all like me for that matter. Aside from the fact that bright colors wash out my pale hair and skin, there’s just something “off” as my mom would say. Sigh. Well today, consider me off my game as I throw caution to the wind with some colorful images I’m loving lately. I know, I know, I'm very rebellious.

(painting by Michelle Armas, image via Visual Notes, image via Lolita, photographs by Sebastiaan Bremer)

Weekly Whiteout

I feel like I could display just about anything on those shelves and it would look like thought-provoking art. Can't you see it? Rows of brightly-colored nail polish or drinking glasses of varying heights. Okay, maybe not a bunch of beer steins with NFL logos, but then again, I do love me some beer.

(image via In Home Trend)

And The Winner Is...

Chosen at random, the winner of Thursday's giveaway is NKP! What what! Send me your e-mail address and I'll e-mail YOU a promo code worth $40. Thanks so much to everyone who participated - I swear, there's a promo code in your future, too.

Oh, Glorious Giveaway

Friends, see all this fabulousness happening? It's ALL from CSN and it's all about $50 (ish). I'm happy to report that they want to give you another chance to win $4o, so yea, this stuff would practically be free. Woot! Question is, what would you spend it on? As much as I love everything here, I think I'd have to put it towards new counter stools. I mean, since mine require a height minimum of six feet in order to properly see the person in the kitchen.

If you're interested in entering, just leave a comment telling me what your crib needs and I'll pick a winner at random on Monday. Yay, Monday! Well, you know.

Good, Hard, Wood

As huge a place in my heart as I have for lacquer, I still have a crush on wood. Especially when coupled with beautiful, classic lines. I think, for example, that this table is all kinds of awesome. At first glance I thought the legs were steel but oohhhhh no - WOOD. I love how modern it feels while still being organic, and I can practically taste the amazing meal that deserves to be had here. Oh and the freshly made wine…from the vineyard where this entire setup would surely reside. Duh.

(brushstroke branches mural from Anthropologie, fillsta pendant lamp from Ikea, washed linen napkins from Toast, porcelain paper plates from Haus Interior, navy armchair w/wood seat designed by emeco from DWR, conrad dining table from WS Home)

Weekly Whiteout

Holy ceilings. And counter space. Can we talk about how obsessed I am with the floating shelf and salvaged shop sign?? Makes me want to hit up every thrift shop from here to Palm Springs. In the looking-for-a-piece-to-buy not the swiping-your-sign-in-the-middle-of-the-night kind of way. You know you were wondering.

(image via Remodelista)

Brew Ya on the Bliss

The wedding was SOOOOO amazing. Beautiful weather, beautiful venue, beautiful bride. You know, the key things that kind of make the event. Ding! I'll be back with more deets and pics in the next day or so*, but until then please enjoy this gorgeous image of the desert at sunset (cue elevator music). Word.

* This depends upon whether I make it out of our design project alive. It's 50/50, people.

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