A Star is Reborn

I’ve been thinking a lot today about sustainability (thanks to a certain someone who knows who they are) and about the beauty that can be found when an everyday object is turned into something unexpected. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve seen something fabulous/costly and thought, “well hot damn, I could definitely create that out of X,Y,Z.” You know you’ve been there. I fell in love with Christiane Högner’s All for One shelf the moment I saw it in Dwell, and really, it’s just brilliant. Not only functionally, but artistically as well. Despite living in tract house hell, I loathe decorating like everyone else on my block and this is one of those pieces that would set me apart. I mean, if someone else hadn’t already created it and it wasn’t already out there in the world to be cherished by all. Sigh. A couple other things I find fascinating these days are newspaper wood by Vij5, and the pool noodle rooftop lounge created by my very own cousin, Darien. My, ahem, younger, brilliant architect of a cousin. (Showoff.)

Anyway, read more about all this wonderfulness and keep me posted about your own creations will ya? I promise not to steal them. Ish.

(More about Christiane Högner, more about newspaper wood, more about noodles and such)

Weekly Whiteout

I love how the mirror is framed and hung here, and also the stacks of pillows on the bed. The real question though, is whether or not you think Charlie Sheen would gravitate towards this space?? WINNING! I’m just sayin’.

(image from James Merrell)

Room to Grow

I know you’ve all been glued to your seats in anticipation of our nursery (er, something) so I’m happy to report we’ve finally made some decisions up in here! We’ve settled on fun, clean and modern with a dash of vintage, with lots of glossy white (duh) and pops of aqua and gray. Oh, and every other color in this gorgeous painting of ours. I love adult art in a nursery so this stunner by Michelle Armas was practically a no-brainer. In fact, it really helped me dictate the style of the rest of the space. The hubs and I are keeping the rest of the wall art pretty simple, and cherished photos and books from our childhood as well as small mementos will make an appearance fo sho. I'm not really a "theme" person so hopefully the nursery is baby friendly without being, well, babyish. While the room is much further along here than in real life, we DID manage to put the crib together this weekend without killing each other. The changing table, on the other hand, well that remains to be seen.

(animal series wall art by Spot on Square at Design Public, our own Le Klint pendant lamp, our own painting by Michelle Armas, karl zahn animal box – rhino at Fawn and Forest, sweet dreams banner at Catbird, custom crib bedding from Carousel Designs, Dwell Studio transportation crib sheet, mini-mozart the monkey from Blabla Baby, martini side table from West Elm, Oeuf sparrow white crib - though ours is from Walmart and I just couldn’t find a non-fugly photo - whale tissue holder by Gnome Sweet Gnome)

Subbin' for the Snuggie

I have a friend who takes part in a Snuggie pub crawl every year. "What the hell is that?" you ask? Well friends, it's a bunch of 30-something dudes who ride their beach cruisers around old-town Scottsdale in their Snuggies trying to pick up ladies. You know, the kind of ladies who are far more interested in Bentleys than brews, so obviously the Snuggie goes over REALLY well. Now, imagine how many chicks he'd score if he stood out from the crowd in a sea pelt or sheild of wings. Get on it, buddy - you know who you are. Ca-caw.

(the seapelt and shield of wings by Mjolk)

Weekly Whiteout

Oh, well looky what we have here. Two chairs in very close proximity with one being used a side table. Not to mention how gorgeous the weathered robin's egg blue is against the white and gray. Brilllliiaaannnttt (singing).

(Image via Emmas Design blog)


Okay, peeps, we have some very important business to attend to here. So you know I have this chair obsession, right? Well, I'm being forced to part with one of my beloved. Okay, not FORCED, but with chairs already hiding in closets, at my parents' house, in storage and in my dreams, I'm trying to be a grownup and have decided to put it on the market. Sigh. Let me tell you, this baby is a beauty. A vintage Herman Miller Eames fiberglass shell chair from the 1950s, it's in amaaaazing condition. Seriously, it's all kinds of awesome. Even the original mounts and stickers of authenticity are bright and shiny. Anywho, I'm thinking of putting it on eBay but thought I'd put it out to my lovely readers first. So, if you love mid-century pieces as much as I do, give me a shout, yo, and we'll talk business. You know, the important business of chairs.

Desert Nomad

The hubs and I finally settled on heading to Tucson for a relaxing getaway before the baby comes. Our plan was to stay at a great hotel at the base of the mountains where there is no DJ, college girls in g-strings or people who will stare in horror at the pale whale swimming without shame (moi). So we had this all planned out, right? Well then I came across this place. Stunning views of the desert, simple decor, and far removed from the general public - and now I'm confused all over again. Bah.

(Rent this gem here on Airnb)

Weekly Whiteout

Honestly, everything else I could possibly talk about today seems ridiculously unimportant. To make a donation to the Red Cross and help those in need, go here. Sigh.

(image via Cupcakes and Cashmere)

A Tall Drink of Water

This post was originally going to be allllll about the patio because let's be real, it rocks, and I LOVE me a good patio. But how could I not talk about the rest of the house when it looks like this?? Personally, with a property and view like this, I could be convinced to pitch a tent and live off the land somewhere the owners wouldn't really notice me. But when you start adding elements like that gorgeous kitchen, bedroom fireplace and tub?? Forget it, I'm upgraded to stalker status. Hope they don't mind if I take a bath while they're at work.

(Sadly, I can't remember where I found this house. I blame pregnancy brain. Bah.)

Elemental Beauty

It's kind of amazing what a piece of beautiful wood and a little imagination can do, don't you think? (Insert inappropriate "that's what she said joke" here.) I mean, I try to be savvy about repurposing things, but these images put my shoe-organizer-turned-ribbon-organizer to shame. I also love the idea of bringing the outside in, and considering every plant in my house turns to dust, these branches seem like a fabulous alternative.

(image via Emmas Design blog, DIY branch display at Design Crush, branch pendant via Decor8, branch picture at Inspirations by Ivy, image via Emmas Design blog)

Weekly Whiteout

A perfect nook to take in a perfect day. And the gorgeous sofa on casters isn't too shabby either.

(image via Greige Design)

Post Paris

Have you guys seen the blog, Le Portillon? It's an online diary of a Swedish girl living in Paris and it is b.e.a.utiful. Both in print and in pictures, and it's just the journey I need to get me out of my head. Check out her most recent post:

Lately we’ve been spending most of our time discovering the area closest to us, where we live. Morning walks to Père-Lachaise, saying hello to Marcel and Edith. Admiring thick heavy doors leading into death, spotting stray cats asleep between the tombs. Then we stroll up and down the hills of Belleville, becoming tired, quite dizzy by all the places one wants to remember. Small thrift stores with shelves full of dreams, boxes with buttons meant for tailored coats. In a diary somewhere, I hide my thoughts.

Stunning. Stunning I say.

Two-Faced Taste

I have a confession. Obviously I love me some modern/mid-century decor, but I have another side too. I'm drawn to French interiors. There, I said it. Spending a few years in England as a kid and traveling back and forth to France had a huge impact on me, and like a creepy ex, it's an obsession I just can't seem to shake. Even my mother is a secret Francophile. Sure, she grew up in a glass house with concrete floors and has great Eames pieces in her current abode, but one peek into "garage storage" reveals everything from dried lavender to antique riding-boot molds. (Seriously.) Now that I have the chance to decorate a new space for our new little addition, I'm a hot mess. Do I go sweet or fun? Colorful or muted? Brand new or repurposed? Sigh. I'm thinking I'll find middle-ground at some point, but if you see a picture of my future child in one of my dresser drawers, it's time to stage an intervention.

(modern and french nursery images via Style Files. Image with branch above crib from Remodelista)

A Style Smorgasbord

It's no secret I have a thing for Swedes. From my Viking heritage to my obsession with Marabou chocolate (seriously, look it up), I heart all things Scandinavian in a big way. Especially their style. I mean, check out Elin Kling’s pad. She’s one of the biggest fashion bloggers in the hood and her flat kind of rocks my world. Yeah, yeah, I know it came equipped with those floors and high ceilings, but check out the small details. The masculine leather sofa contrasted by the girly chandelier in the dressing area – the stacks of worn vinyl in the living room punctuated by the clean canvas of the white bedroom. Swedes are masters at mixing textures and eras, and well friends, they had me at hello. Or rather, hej. And yes, I had to look that up.

(First seen on Emmas Design Blog)

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