In lieu of an inspiration board today, I thought I'd post a shot of the dining table we settled on. And then I figured you needed some context, hence, the other two shots. Now, for the disclaimers...our sofa. Eeee gad. It's VERY comfortable, but boy is it ugly. We're in the process of finding a more, ahem, stylish replacement but in the mean time, please be kind, dear friends. Also, the letter “M” on my mantel. I realize this trend is pretty played out, but I kind of love its color and texture in juxtaposition with the other items up there. And lastly, we live in a condo. While someday I hope to inhabit a gorgeous mid-century modern ranch home where my furniture feels completely at home, we love our little condo and do what we can with the space we have. Done and done. Now that that's out of the way, let me introduce you to the newest additions to the family.
As you know, after I came upon the Wegner chairs a new dining table was in order. We searched high and low for one that truly fit our space and well, West Elm’s 2x2 just won out in the end. It’s gorgeous in person, so much so in fact, that I’m currently having a very intimate affair with it. My husband doesn’t even mind. The Eames for Herman Miller fiberglass chair was a Craigslist purchase, and let me tell you, one of my better decisions. The seller had two so I nabbed its taupe counterpart as well. What can I say; I couldn’t break up the team, right?? It’s currently living in my office and getting to know my white Parsons desk. (Mmmm, lacquer.) Annnnnd, just when I thought I was spent after the two chairs, I saw the Paul McCobb Planner Group coffee table from across the room. It made eyes at me as did its side table sidekick, and well, you know where this is going. Sigh. Truly though, you cannot believe the condition all these pieces are in. The seller found them at an estate sale and it’s as if they’ve never been used. Glory be to the Craigslist Gods…
Okay, yawn, I’m sure you’re sick of me talking, er, writing, whatever. Just wanted to thank you for your help in choosing a table, and show you the final result! I promise to keep you posted on the sofa. The horror.