Excuse Me House, Can We Talk?

Though it usually wouldn't be my style, there are so many things I love about this room. Forget the fact that I could live out the rest of my days inside Pieces or Jayson Home & Garden, there's just something peaceful and chic about this space. The classic sofa and vintage rug are a great mix with the industrial(ish) stool and sconce, and well, let's be real - every room is made better with a dash of Anthropologie. Ah, so many rooms, so little time. Now I know how Sultan Brunei must feel. Did you know that guy has 1,788 rooms and 257 bathrooms? He also has a reported harem of well, a lot. Hmmm, maybe his harem is the reason he NEEDS so many rooms. Wow, that gives my statement above a whooooole new meaning. Sorry, tangent, but I'm just sayin'.
(collected memories mirror from Anthropologie, belgian wingback sofa from Restoration Hardware, basket sconce at Vivre, round iron side table via Pieces, vintage oushak rug at Jayson Home and Garden, hammered aluminum small rectangular tray from West Elm)
Oh I'm sorry, were you looking for me? I've been really busy rolling around in my ridiculously soft blanket and counting the rings in my sweet white screen. You know, very important business to attend to up in here.
(image from Living Etc.)
It's a sunny 60 degrees, my riding boots are perfectly worn in, my purse costs less than $1,000 and my edgy but effortless jewelry earn me hundreds of compliments. I also may or not may not be a J. Crew model. Either way I'm stoked.
(Yves Saint Laurent roady leather hobo at Saks, cashmere wrap scarf from White and Warren, J. Crew stadium cloth peacoat, leaf ring by Sarah Perlis, Steve Madden olster boots, circle and diamond leather bracelet at Zoe Chicco)
My days of associating the word "barn" with Old MacDonald, an annoying purple dinosaur and the Dress Barn are over. A friend recently directed me to the site, Barn Light Electric and I've barely been able to pry myself away. I mean, their tagline alone - "Where vintage and modern collide" - makes my heart skip a beat. After all, I've found about 100 things I'd like to collide with. Oh and P.S.? This particular fixture comes in various sizes and offers nearly ever finish, mounting option and color imaginable. (DWR only offers three). So go forth this Friday and find yourself some fabulous lighting. Just don’t blame me if you end up needing a big red structure to house it in.
(barn lamp at DWR, barn light warehouse pendant from Barn Light Electric)
...who is the cheapest without being a whore? I dunno, I couldn’t think of anything else that rhymed. Regardless, I have a thing for mirrored dressers after seeing one in a nursery inside Domino back in the day (RIP). I mean, I'm not interested in a full blown affair or anything, but an innocent crush at the very least.
(iris mirrored chest from Horchow, versailles chest from JC Penney)
I’m obsessed with these vases that resemble tin cans. I know, I know, I’m sure they’re pricey and I could probably fake the look, but seriously? I find it hard to believe I could feel the same way about actual tin cans. Even though I’m sure nobody would ever be able to tell the difference and I would face ridicule upon revealing how much I paid for the real deal. It’s kind of how I feel about handbags, Pinot Noir and Michael Jackson impersonators. While I love a good imitation, sometimes you just can’t fake the funk.
(image via Ochre Home, nos da cushion at Magpie and Rye, Astier de Villatte vases, Sarah Perlis light blue sapphire ring, caldwell console at Jayson Home & Garden)
(image via Light Locations)
Do you think God lives here? Just checking.
(print via Sweet Shop)
Happy Monday, peeps! No time for an inspiration board today as "the Man" is all up in my mix. Blah. Good thing we've got Friday's giveaway to keep us busy. Check out the goods on CSNStores.com for stuff by Dwell Studio, Herman Miller, and even Jonathan Adler. Just leave a comment and $40 could be all yours to shop like a kid in a candy shop. What what!
Before I picked up the Paul McCobb piece for my living room, I was continuously perplexed by the legend of the coffee table. Though undoubtedly functional for housing everything from books to beer bottles, I’d seen it go SO horribly wrong one time too often. You know what I’m talking about; the glass rings ingrained into wood, the dirty shoe scuffs and fingerprints on glass, the plethora of remotes on display…the sheer horror of it all. Even though I’m falling more in love with my vintage coffee table every day, I still have a soft spot for acrylic. The idea that utility disappear to take a backseat to fabulous décor is well, fabulous. I know there’s the possibility that it becomes scratched or worse, cracked, but seriously? If you put these nesting tables in your house for even just a year, your CPU is about $.38 a day. A day, people! What else can you get for that price? Besides 10% of a Starbucks grande latte and ¼ of the newspaper, that is. I mean, I’m just sayin’.
Another thing I’m saying’? The folks at CSN were nice enough to offer you guys another $40 gift card. Woot! Just leave a comment telling me your thoughts on coffee tables, acrylic, the weather, whatevs – I’m easy. One lucky winner will be chosen at random next Wednesday to spend frivolously on CSN.com (coincidentally, they too love acrylic). Brew ya. How’s that for frugal fun day?
(peekaboo clear nesting tables from CB2, acrylic nesting tables at Overstock.com)
The big reveal! Not as exciting as say, the unveiling of Project Runway’s winner, or even the Real Housewives of Jersey reunion (seriously, did you see it? Hot. Mess.), but a big reveal nonetheless. Ugly couch is out and clean-lined classic sofa is in. Pretty much every piece of furniture in the living room is repurposed. We covered the sofa in the underside of a blue linen fabric because the texture rocks, and the club chairs once belonged to my parents. * In fact, there’s white wicker somewhere under the ottoman. Gag. The chair under the window is my fave, as it used to live in my grandfather’s office of his architecture firm. I can remember curling up on it as a kid to watch him sketch. Of course, back then it was bright orange, but the memory remains the same. I don’t think anyone realized how beautiful it was, so I’ve always felt like I scored when I inherited it – in more ways than one, obviously. I also love the white lacquer cube that our TV sits on. It graced my mom's San Fran studio in her John Wheatman days and I think it's as great now as it was 35 years ago. The coffee table is vintage Paul McCobb, the acrylic and glass bar cart is courtesy of Craigslist, the porcelain acorns and giant strawberry are “on the road” finds, and the Wegner chairs were purchased for a steal at a local sale. Let’s see, what else…Oh, I also included pics of the spare bedroom, mostly so you could see the new light fixture. (Also a Craigslist find). Though not quite at home in the condo just yet, the room is still a work in progress and I have hope. The photo over the bed is new too, thanks to a shot I took in Mexico and had Kodak Gallery blow up and make metallic. And lastly, I’m showing you my row of old-school family photos, just because. I’m a firm believer that a home should be filled with everything you love, and well, I love each and every one of those pictures.
Deep breath. Okay, that’s a lot of talky for one day and I hope you’re not bored out of your head. If I lost you, come back tomorrow for some Frugal Friday fun, AND a great giveaway. Brew ya.
*Please don't judge me for my sad Ikea throw pillows. I have new ones in the works but the room needed some color in the interim. Duh.
There are very few things in life that make me happier than a good bathtub. (Okay, that's a lie, but let's just not tell red wine, chocolate, cheese, white lacquer, flip flops and my husband that they have competition, shall we?) I feel like this particular one is more a piece of art than a fixture, and could see entire parties congregated around its beauty. Remember that "Seinfeld" where Kramer falls so deeply in love with the bath that he decides to do everything while taking one? If memory serves me right, he even prepares dinner for four in there. And hell, after laying eyes on this baby, I don't blame him. On that note, who's up for a couple hard-boiled eggs?
(bordeaux small polished nickel tray from Haus Interior, arteriors brooke small canister at Quality Bath, mirror from Frametastic, photo from Arlene Gee’s photostream, giagni wall-mount tub faucet at Plumbing Decor, freestanding oval bathtub from Waterworks)
I love fall. The season, the clothing, the weather. Er, wait. It’s still 100 degrees here. While practically every store in the country is pushing plaid shirts and wool capes, I’m rocking flip-flops and extra deodorant. It’s kind of ridiculous, but make no mistake, we will sweat in the name of fashion. I’ll put on boots a little too early and friends will pull out their cords despite the beating sun (you know who you are). This is the time of year I am O.V.E.R. the weather, and need to continuously remind myself it too will be over soon. It helps to remember my heat-induced hysteria will be placated by patio-time well into the winter. Hence, today’s inspiration board. Though it may be a little more for me than for you, let’s be real, there’s always room for another patio-approved space.
(lacquer hexagon tray by Jonathan Adler, garden beverage stand and taylor large hurricane at Crate and Barrel, hatfield grellow rocker and weekender bench from CB2, lillypond umbrella from SB Umbrella)
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