Battle at the Bottle Dome

There’s an ongoing convo/battle happening in my house about whether to create a stimulating, colorful nursery or a relaxing, mellow one. Seriously, I have no idea and am drawn to both for various reasons. Feel free to chime in. No really, help me figure out my life. (No pressure.)

Nursery #1 (organic bedding by Dwell, le klint pendant at DWR, star egg nightlight by J LinkSchatz, jungle friends bamboo mobile from Petit Collage, rattan elephant hamper at Home Decorators baby animal prints by Sharon Montrose - basset hound, piglet, storage box by Hable Construction, my own Herman Miller molded plastic rocker)

Nursery #2 (fabric swatches via Serena and Lily, frazier and wing mobile, giraffe lamp by Jonathan Adler, my own painting by Michelle Armas, elephant bookshelf by Dwell, print by Sycamore Street Press, take along table at PB Teen, elephant and giraffe rattles by Bla Bla Kids, woven storage bin from The Land of Nod)

Unfinished Notes To My Unborn - #2

Your father wants to name you Detron. Just thought you should know. I’ll be calling this post to your attention when you tell me you like him better than me.

P.S. He says he's kidding, but somehow I doubt it.

(print by Pimp Print)

Best Of My Boards

I realized today I've posted 100 inspiration boards, so I thought I'd choose a few of my faves! Regardless of whether I'd actually use any of this stuff in my own home (which I would, thank you very much), it's fun to play dress-up. You know, in a no need to spend money or move into a mansion kind of way. I love these for different reasons - the way colors and textures work together, the feeling a certain room evokes, or even just how beautiful the lines of a particular piece are. Regardless of whether you get down with my own personal taste, I hope you enjoy a little bit of eye candy as much as I do. What are your thoughts on inspiration boards? Do they inspire you or do you find them pointless? Let me know so I can change up my flow, yo. Hmm, if the whole design thing doesn't work out, I may have a future in rap. Word.

Weekly Whiteout

Hello Restaurant, I'm Erika. Wanna have babies? Oh, you're in Rome, you say? No problemo, it just happens I'm into that.

(Ristorante Tuna in Rome)

Easy Breezy

The hunt is on for the perfect sandal as it’s already feeling like spring in my hood. While putting about 113 things in my cart at J.Crew, I decided I would die without this tunic. Then I remembered my belly would prooobably not fit into it until next spring. Bah. So yeah, instead of spending my hard-earned cash on things that would surely make me cry, I thought a board in its honor was in order. Enter the perfectly relaxed living room. Where nothing feels contrived, shoes are never allowed and everyone looks smokin’ hot in that tunic.
(harbor paisley silk tunic from J.Crew, vintage belgian sign at Jayson Home and Garden, beige stitch pillow from Haus Interior, raleigh armchair from Design Within Reach, architect’s boom floor lamp at Jayson Home and Garden, jacks tray side table from West Elm)

Unfinished Notes To My Unborn #1

Baby, yesterday we found out you were a boy and your dad and I are SOOOO excited! Unfortunately, we haven’t yet settled on a name, so I hope it’s cool if I continue to call you Baby until we do. I promise it won’t be a nickname that sticks, and I swear I’ll never put you in a corner. (You'll understand that reference later when I bore you to tears with 80s flicks. I know you're stoked.)

(Card via ludalu)

Seaside Spectacular

You know that thing you do when you're looking for a reasonable getaway and end up a million miles away dreaming of a 5-star vacation? Yeah, that's happened to me. While searching for a destination we could travel (by car) to spend a few days (a weekend) before the baby's born, I decided to check out Ever been? It's allll kinds of awesome. Of course, instead of searching in say, Southern California, I clicked on Australia. And now I'm in biiiig trouble. Oh that house! Those views!! That kitchen!!! I even fell for the front walkway (it's gorgeous, right?). Sigh. If anyone is heading to that part of the world anytime soon, you should stay here...and send me a whooole bunch of pics. Oh, and if anyone else can think of a beautiful, quiet beach in Cali where a hormonal pregnant lady and her patient husband could relax, please let me know! My brain is full of cribs and Aussie dreams these days. Check out the full listing HERE. And grab a snack as you'll be on this site all day.

Weekly Whiteout

Loving the small pops of color against the white backdrop here. Also the rectangular windows, and the pitched roof, and the hiding place up in that loft. All kinds of awesome.

Pass Me The Rubbers

Hot damn, just came across this brilliant clothing/art/jewelry crafted out of rubber bands by architect Margarita Mileva and had to share. Can you imagine the possibilities of random items around the house? (Plastic bags and water bottles anyone?) Maaaaybe some of the ladies from the Golden Globes should take note...ahem, I'm just sayin'.

(First seen on

Suck It, Week, I'm Over You

In case you haven't noticed, there's some crazy shit going on in this world right now. Flooding in Australia, mudslides in Brazil, and in my own state, the tragic shooting in Tucson. Sigh. I don't know what's going on up in here, but I am O.V.E.R it. Working in news only amplifies the horrors, and well, being pregnant doesn't help my psyche either. I suddenly feel the need to escape and while I'll probably just hibernate in my house this weekend, I kinda wish I unplugged and on the water here. Who's with me?

(Rent this gem here, and read about the smart souls who already did on This Joyride)

Baby On The Brain

In just a couple weeks we find out what we’re having, (whoa) and I’ve already started thinking about the kind of nursery I’d like to give the little person. Modern? Classic? Bohemian? I love aspects of each kind of look, so yeah, this should be niiiiiice and tough. I’m sure you’ve all seen this adorable nursery before, but let’s be real; it’s cute enough to warrant a repeat. Check out that ceiling! I think it’s the small details that make this space fantastic, and I’m definitely taking note. Now, if only I could bribe someone to do all the work.

(Rhoney Design Nursery Project)

Weekly Whiteout

This kitchen makes me happy. That is all.

(image via Emmas design blog)

Please, And Thank You

Behold, The Pure hotel.

Pure perfection. Can I get an mmmmhhhmmm?

Artistic Endeavors

So yeah, you know my whole obsession with white thing? Well color is giving it a run for its money. I recently commissioned a painting from the AMAZING Michelle Armas, and it makes me so unbelievably happy. I know, I know - orange? Pink? Red?? That’s right, people, I’m branching out and getting all kinds of adventurous. For the time being it’s gracing our bedroom walls, but with the little one on the way I’m thinking it would be beautiful in a nursery. What do you think? Do babies respond positively or negatively to such colors and patterns? Clearly, I have no idea what I’m doing and for the first time ever have someone else in my mix to consider while updating décor. (The hubs is great about letting me do my thing. Thank GOD.) Oh and please, dear God, do not judge me for my disheveled bed and lackluster photos. I can barely dress myself these days. Sigh.

P.S. For the love of all that is holy, you must check out Michelle’s store (and blog for that matter). She is brilliant, inspiring, remarkably talented and quite possibly my favorite new person on the planet. And seriously, don’t even get me started on her work. I’d buy every single piece if I had the wall space. And maybe a few coins to rub together.

Be Jeweled

I don't know about you, but I'm an original jewelry kind of girl. I love rocking pieces that people ask me about and say to the world, "why yes, I am creative, and stylish and I don't have to put any thought whatsoever into looking this cool." Considering I'm usually in flip flops and jeans, I need my jewelry to say alllll of that, otherwise I just end up looking a hot mess. (A big job, I know.) Enter, With Love, Dot. Two of my fabulous friends have just recently launched this boutique and let me just say that the world is now a better place. Each piece is made of repurposed vintage earrings and brooches all originating from one collection. The owner of that original collection? A fabulous woman named Dorothy, or, Dot. They've created unique necklaces and note cards to give as gifts or keep for yourself, and I can tell you from experience that they are stunning. STUNNING, I say. Every time I wear mine I feel like I'm wearing a piece of art. A piece of art everyone happens to think I picked up from Anthropologie, but ohhhhh no, I will not have any copycats walking about my hood thank you very much. I'm just sayin'. So yeah, be an original and go here to check them out for yourself!

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