Suck It, Week, I'm Over You
>> Friday, January 14, 2011 –
the poet's loft,
In case you haven't noticed, there's some crazy shit going on in this world right now. Flooding in Australia, mudslides in Brazil, and in my own state, the tragic shooting in Tucson. Sigh. I don't know what's going on up in here, but I am O.V.E.R it. Working in news only amplifies the horrors, and well, being pregnant doesn't help my psyche either. I suddenly feel the need to escape and while I'll probably just hibernate in my house this weekend, I kinda wish I unplugged and on the water here. Who's with me?
(Rent this gem here, and read about the smart souls who already did on This Joyride)
That's crazy BEAUTIFUL!! Wonder how much it is?