
I love natural elements in a home. As mentioned earlier, I’m a softie for fresh flowers, but I’m also really drawn to succulents, interesting stones, and wood. In fact, I have a huge glass jar filled only with driftwood just because I love the texture. I also love that West Elm and I are seeing eye to eye on this matter. Their new Teak Wood Root is not only beautiful, but affordable as well, and I like how they’ve styled this shoot to feature it on a stack of books. Oh, books as art...also great. But that's a story for a different day.

(linen trays from Brook Farm General Store, mercer flats from Marais, image via Visual-Notes, brooke medium glass/metal canister via Haus Interior, teak wood root from West Elm, print by Lacey Terrell via 20x200)

Weekly Whiteout

(image via Purple Area)
This room puts window seats everywhere to shame. Those pillows, that view?? I can practically feel the sea breeze and sunlight on my face as I settle in for an afternoon nap. Sigh.

Fashion Forward - Gridiron Gang

Brace yourself; I'm about to geek out. Remember how fun back-to-school shopping was? The end of summer was always made manageable knowing that fresh pencils, crisp, college-ruled paper and the chicest Trapper Keeper were in my future. Lately, I've been evoking my studious self by hunting for new, stylish notebooks. You see, I'm taking this little class, and I'm convinced my performance is directly tied to my "gear." Well friends, I've found them, and they’re glorious. With an elastic-band closure, nifty slot for my pen and fabulous print to boot, these Piano Nobile notebooks from Chikabird have me heading to the head of the class. Oh, and did I mention they're refillable?? The hand-printed cotton fabric covers a black, Moleskin notebook and begs to be used again and again. AND, I was thrilled to discover this adorable grid print carried on to dish towels, pillows and even lamps. Okay not the side table, but it’s just plain fun.

Speaking of fun, be sure to check out more great Fashion Forward finds over on Obstinate Pursuit!

(all products featured by Piano Nobile via papernstitch)

Flawless Function

Lately, I've been thinking a lot about how my interiors will change once kids come into the picture. While I’ve acquiesced to say, packing away my delicate china for a few years, I just don’t think I have it in me to give up on white completely. Obviously, I have yet to truly experience sticky fingers and Crayola in random spots, but a girl can dream can’t she?? Either way, I’m drooling over the colors of this kitchen. Plus, I love the extended dining table and Herman Miller chairs. (Molded plastic = easy to wipe down. Word.)

(extended dining table via Bedzine, marimekko bottna dinnerware from Always Mod, Ikea asker series , Big Chill retro fridge, eames molded plastic side chair from Room and Board, lush mini glass subway tile by modwalls via Dwell)

Petal Pusher

What are your thoughts on fresh flowers? If I could, I'd have a new bouquet every week to brighten up my home. The next best thing, however, just may be this print by Tina Crespo. The color and textures of it when coupled with the grain of the table and lines of the chair make my heart swoon.

P.S. Tina Crespo is now donating 50% of every print purchased to the Red Cross.

(deer arm chair from Hive Modern, bloom print by tina crespo via Etsy, ventura table from Room and Board, platter from KleinReid, wood and suede bowl from Haus Interior)

Weekly Whiteout

I'm a sucker for low cabinets, especially when they display gorgeous, all-white accessories. And speaking of gorgeous, I'm thinking of asking this wood floor to enter into a committed relationship. The texture is fantastic, and the color? Yes please.

More Stew?

Just came across a great set of pictures of the Edris house on Flickr taken by srk1941. In the video clip on marthastewart.com, they flashed this hilarious shot of Mrs. Edris at a costume party with my grandparents. (Nice hat, Nan.) Here are some before and after shots of the house, including the gorgeous pool and fabulous bar. Yep, that's where I mastered the art of the lemon twist.

In addition to the matchless view, I always loved the wooden ceilings and indoor planter and lights. My grandfather tried to bring the outdoors in whenever possible, and I swear it's one reason I feel so at home outside. Now seriously, let's talk about that hat...

A Tale of Two Stewarts

During a recent lull at the office, I started Googling friends and family to see what new gems popped up. (You know you've done it.) Hmmm, an old press release, dated wedding registries, and wait, what's this, marthastewart.com??? Upon typing in my grandfather's name, I click on the link to discover that Martha visited Palm Springs last October to take in some modern architecture...including a house my grandfather, E. Stewart Williams, designed! Oh, the Edris house. Glorious abode among the boulders. Marge Edris was one of my grandmother's dearest friends and I spent many a day lounging by her pool, gabbing her ear off and learning to make a very dry martini. Mmmm, martinis. If I only knew then that the house would warrant miss Martha herself to stand where I once stood, I would’ve paid more attention to the architecture and décor and less to my tan. Sigh. Though, do you think this means Martha and I are somehow cosmically connected?? Good. Me too.


Friends, we need some.

I tend to shy away from posting about current events, partly because I work in news and want some time away, but mostly because I'd like to keep this blog as "light" as possible. The devastating earthquake in Haiti, however, has me rethinking today's priorities. I can't begin to convey the overwhelming sadness I feel at the sight of each new image and story that comes out of this tragedy. There have been several moments when I truly feel myself disintegrating. As a dear friend put it so simply last night, "this world is so small, how can we not band together to help?"

People need food, they need water, they need hope. If you're interested in contributing, here are some small ways to do a lot of good:

P.S. Just discovered sf girl by bay's in-depth list of various artists, blogs and shops holding fundraisers and donating to the relief efforts. Love it.

Mix It Up

I own far too many cookbooks for someone who is, ahem, let's call it "challenged" in the kitchen. While I'd love to throw around statements like "just whipped up" and "made from scratch," I'm usually left scratching my head instead. I find myself having to follow recipes exactly in order to celebrate a delicious dish, making cooking more of a chore than a delight. But I keep trying! With a kitchen stocked full of yummy items like these, I'm willing to bet everything tastes better.

(knappa pendant lamp from Ikea, image via Sofie Lawett, jesse steel hostess apron from The Pepper Kids, le creuset caribbean blue round french ovens and silicone spat-spoon from Sur la Table, persimmon kitchenaid mixer from Everything Kitchens, glass beverage bottles from Crate and Barrel)

Weekly Whiteout

(image via A Cup of Jo)
I love this bedroom. Though I'm a sucker for high ceilings and airy spaces, there's a lot to be said for cozy quarters. Makes me want to lose a day snuggled in the down comforter and all 500 mags. Ah, such bliss.

Stop to Smell the Roses

Usually, flowery prints are a little too "sweet" for my taste, but something about the way they work in this board appeals to me. The bedroom seems charming without being frilly, and I love the beautiful heels displayed as art!

(image via Girl Meets Glamour, floating feather dish at Urban Outfitters, fleur de lis carafe from Maison Midi, venetian glass mirror on eBay, image via House of Turquoise, romantic rococo accent table via Shabby Rose Chic, vintage fabric union jack cushion from Cox & Cox)

Hello Lovah...

(image via Simply Magic)
(image via Curbly)
Your thoughts on chevron pattern wood floors...go.

Weekly Whiteout

(image via Lev Livet Leende)

If my recent holiday vacation taught me anything, it's that I'm really great at sleeping. I mean, it's almost become an art. Sure, when I was a teenager I could sleep until noon on weekends and nobody would fault me, but now that I'm an "adult" well, it's a little hard to justify. While my husband and most of our friends wake before 8 on a Saturday to read the paper, feed their kids, run errands, or whatever it is responsible people do so early in the a.m., you will find me happily snoozing away. I believe our bedrooms should be our sanctuaries, so I've gone to great lengths to make ours the most inviting, comfortable room in the house. Stylist Johanne Riss' room, however, puts our room to shame. I'm pretty convinced that if I retreated here every night, well friends, let's just say some kind of intervention would be in order.

The floor-to-ceiling drapes in lieu of any doors are brilliant, somehow the chair looks as comfortable as the dreamy bed, and the lighting, ohhhhh, the lighting. I'm mildly obsessed with lighting these days and this column is wondrous. By Isabelle Farahnick, Mobile 01 is available at Fat Galerie. It's made of ceramic, and apparently unicorn tears. Amazing.

Fashion Forward - New Year, New Loves

Hellllloooooo 2010! Everyone survive the holidays?? I'm happy to say we made it through with flying colors in my neck of the woods, even managing to catch up with friends, family and much needed sleep. Woot! Now it's back to the grind and I must say I'm having a hard time getting into the swing of things. On that note, I think I'll put work aside for just a tad longer and share some of the delicious new items at West Elm. Admittedly, I was already pretty excited for a new decade and a fresh start, but with any of these lovelies in my corner, this year is bound to be bright. Mmmmm, shiny new décor... honestly, is there anything better?

Find more fabulous Fashion Forward finds (say that three times fast) over on Obstinate Pursuit!

(all items by West Elm! 2x2 console desk, round uplight table lamp, wrap dining chair, modular shelf, wood boxes with lacquered lids, andalusia rug)

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