Frugal Fridays - Crystal Balls

If I could see into the future, I'd bet that the $249.01 I'd save by purchasing the crystal lamp from Bed, Bath & Beyond would be put to good use. You know, like towards a new purse. (I said good, not smart.) Man, with my mad bargain-shopping skills and fortune-telling abilities, I could rule the world. Or at least be friends with Oprah.

(mia crystal table lamp from Bed Bath and Beyond, wilshire lamp from Restoration Hardware)

Cover Your Bases

And your books for that matter. In a perfect world, I’d have floor-to-ceiling windows that opened to a huge patio overlooking the water. I’d have gorgeous hardwood floors, a shiny white kitchen (see yesterday’s post) and all my book covers would be designed by Coralie Bickford-Smith. I’d also never be tired, I’d have Tina Fey on speed dial, and my jeans would always fit despite living on red wine, French bread and large amounts of cheese. The end.

(image via Skona Hem, pack of dogs bookshelves by Pirwi, andrea rund rug from Ikea, book covers designed by Coralie Bickford-Smith, loop chair via Urban Outfitters, martini side table from West Elm)

Weekly Whiteout

(this image (and more of the rad pad) via Skona Hem)

I love a good kitchen. And well, if it happens to be shiny and white well that's just great with me too. (Clearly.) I also believe that the making of any great space is in the details, and this home illustrates why. The owners have turned what was once a blank canvas into a gallery of sorts and I for one totally appreciate it. Though, I'm kinda on the fence about the little guy hangin' out up top. Watching my cooking...silently judging. Yeah, not sure I need that kind of pressure.

Underground Style

Sadly, I don’t live in a place where great importance is placed on public transportation. As a result, I spend two hours of my day sitting alone in my car in hideous traffic. Not exactly awesome for the environment, or my sanity for that matter. To compensate for my commute and city’s lack of resources, I think a little “subway art” is in order. No, not THAT kind of art thank you very much. I’m talkin’ about signs. Subway signs in cool fonts featuring cities I am far, far away from. Cities with cool names including “park” or “beach.” Cities with better transportation. Not that I’m bitter. Happy Monday. Grrrr.

(leaning borghese mirror from Z Gallerie, rosette quilt via Anthropologie, claude modular collection from Jonathan Adler, photo styled by glen proebstel via decor8, medallion jewelry boxes at West Elm, los angeles trolley subway sign via eBay)

Frugal Fridays - Lacquer, Oh Sweet Lacquer...

how do I love thee? Let me count the ways. I could bore you here with an abnormally long list, but instead I'll just point you to West Elm and their glorious new office supplies. I happen to already own the Jonathan Adler bathroom set...a set I purchased before seeing the infinitely less expensive one at Crate and Barrel. Though I wasn’t as melancholy as I was after my Target run-in, I was certainly somewhat traumatized. Thus, I thought I’d try and spare you a little grief. Don’t get me wrong, I loves me some Jonathan Adler, but I’m not opposed to steppin’ out on a brother if it saves me some dough. Mmmmkay?

But you, White Lacquer, you are my one and only. And I love you like a fat kid loves cake.

(jonathan adler lacquer stash box and lacquer tray, West Elm lacquer office set - Magazine Butler, Trinket Tray, Paper Tray, Desk Tray and Pencil Cup)

You're My Boy, Blue.

Sure, we’ve established I love white. So you’ll probably be horrified to know that I also love blue. Kind of a lot actually. I know, I know, you thought you knew me and then I go and drop this kind of bomb. What can I say, I don’t like to give all the goodies away on the first date. Er, something. Maybe it’s because where I live, 115 degrees is considered normal and blue = cool. Or maybe it’s that blue is one of the only colors my husband and I agree on. Or maybe it’s because blue brings out my eyes. Noooo, not really. The bottom line is, blue is the cat’s meow (yep, that just happened). As is this strap to turn my overwhelming pile of periodicals into furniture. Purrrr.

(image via Trine Thorsen, twin links floor lamp from Pier 1, book stool by Arik Levy via Unica Home, mercury glass votives from Beach Dwelling, helix rug by Jonathan Adler, cora carafe from CB2)

Weekly Whiteout

(image via Sweet Home Style)
Let's talk about closet space, shall we? I have none and wouldn't be opposed to killing/stealing/lying/cheating to have this much. Thank you.

Tea for Two

Have you seen the previews for the new Alice in Wonderland yet? I’m all for a little J. Depp, but honestly, that movie was right up there with Charlie and the Chocolate Factory when it came to scaring the bejesus out of me as a kid. And as an adult, you ask? I’ll keep you posted. Regardless, I feel like Alice and the Mad Hatter would totally be down with this lamp. I mean, if they were into home décor like that.

(beecroft sofa from Shabby Chic, satin and bead necklace from Down East Basics, image via Visual Notes, one-lump-or-two lamp from Anthropologie, image via Spagats, porcelain mosaic bowl by Karin Eriksson via Manos)

Frugal Fridays - Sit On It

A few years ago, I spent several days searching high and low for new counter stools. I ultimately found myself at a design showroom that shall remain nameless; about to spend a ridiculous amount of money on what would ultimately become a pedestal for my purse. (If you saw the size of my purses, you’d understand why they need their own living space.) I realized that not only did I need Lex Luther kind of money to be able to justify that kind of purchase, but that in the end, my purse just didn’t need that kind of pampering. Sigh. And then, dun, dun, dun, I headed to Ikea. There I found nearly the exact same stool, for, well, LESS. This served to be such moment of clarity that I’ve decided to share the wealth. (Pun intended.)

With that I bring you Frugal Fridays! Clever, I know. Every Friday, I’ll bring you at least one great piece to covet, and one you could actually afford to make your own. Because if you’re like me, you’d like to own great furniture and design pieces while still being able to retire someday. Or buy huge purses. Either way, there’s nothin’ wrong with saving a little extra coin.

(marais stool from Design Within Reach, 2 metal counter stools from, knoll bertoia stool and cushion from All Modern, knoll inspired bertoia stool from Inmod, chip barstool from Knoll, sebastian barstool from Ikea)

High Strung

Yesterday I talked about my new obsession with fashion as art, and then came across this framed vintage violin. Thoughts? Not that I’m about to run out and frame my fifth grade cello, but hey, I’m all for utilizing everyday objects in my quest for the home décor Holy Grail. And yes, I had braces, and played the cello. Stop judging me.

P.S. I sucked. At the cello, that is.

(image via Emmas Design Blog, vintage violin via Jayson Home & Garden, oil painting from painting well, via Etsy, leaf necklace from Down East Basics, hanging flower vase from Urban Outfitters, molded plywood chairs by charles and ray eames from Unica Home, wood framed sofa from Pieces)

Weekly Whiteout

(image from the portfolio of Trine Thorsen)
I've really fallen for fashion as art. A detailed vintage dress behind framed glass, even necklaces or handbags on simple hooks and knobs. Seriously, how fantastic are these hats and shoes on display?? Wonder if I could convince my husband that the mounting pile of flip-flops by the front door is really a skillfully crafted sculpture. Stay tuned…

Blogging Your Way - Starring Me

I'm crazy obsessed with interiors. I'm talkin' soft restraints in home decor stores kind of crazy. I started this blog as an outlet for such insanity, and hopefully as a way to offer inspiration to those who share my, ahem, issue. I love putting together mood boards based on differing rooms, tastes, atmospheres, etc., and as a result, they dominate my blog. What I've come to realize, however, is that I rarely put together my own boards. Sure, my style shines through in each of them in some way, but I've yet to create one based on something truly personal. Well friends, welcome to today's post. I'm taking a class with Holly Becker over on Decor8 called Blogging Your Way, and she's challenged us to develop a board rooted in our ideas, loves and interests. Shockingly, it proved to be very difficult!

The goal is to try and figure out the direction in which I'd like to take this blog, how I might like it to look and the things I'd like to discuss. Clearly, it's kind of all over the place. Initially, I thought it might end up being all white, with simple type treatments and clean lines. While it seemed headed that way, it didn't feel complete until I added more colors I'm drawn to, more images I love and more sentiments that move me. Before I knew it, I had a board that consisted of much more than just my board. I worried about it being out of the lines, beyond the scope of the assignment, but what I now see is that those are the things I love about it. It's a little "desert" with a dash of "Swede," a tad "thoughtful" sprinkled with "cheeky." When it comes down to it, this board embodies everything I want my blog to reflect. It embodies who I am at the core. So bring on the crazy I say! Sans restraints, of course.

(the details)

Tasty Delight

I'm in the mood for a dinner party. Outside on the patio. Without utensils to wash. What about soup and sandwiches, you say? Yep, that sounds just right.

(tall recycled glass vase from Anthropologie, partly cloudy photograph by Kristybee Photography, wine cellar tea light via Anthropologie, soup and sandwich platter at Target, gate java runners from Dwell, celadon fusion dosa by Heath Ceramics, simrin hummingbird taupe napkins from Velocity Art and Design)

Weekly Whiteout

(this image and so many more via Decor8)
I'd like to slip this little room in my pocket and carry it with me forever. Either that, or spend an extended vacation at the High Road House in London where it takes up permanent residence. Not only is the entire hotel a study in great style, but they also serve glitzy cocktails with names like, “Butterscotch Pie” and “Hibiscus Bellini.” If anyone needs me, I’ll be soaking in that glorious tub with a little friend called “Cherries and Cream.”

Fashion Forward - Quick Study

Loving everything from CB2 these days, especially these birch boxes and white cube bookends. My TV happens to sit on a giant white cube, therefore, I think it only right to pick up these smaller siblings. And, though I love my West Elm white lacquer desk (duh) I think this one would be spectacular when complemented by one of my fantastic weekend purchases. More to come on said gem later this week!

In the meantime, check out more Fashion Forward fabulousness on Paper Pocket.

(cityscape stamp set from SF Moma Museum Store, 2x3 rag rug from Urban Outfitters, cube bookends and birch storage boxes from CB2, herman miller nelson swag desk at Velocity Art and Design, sarah pinto notebooks via See Jane Work)

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