Frugal Fridays - Please Pass the Bar

In honor of the holiday weekend, I thought I'd get festive and talk about cocktails. I mean, what better way to recognize Memorial Day than with a toast, right? Who's with me?? That being said, it's going to be 100 here on Saturday and well, 100 = pool party. Don't get me wrong, I love a good pool party. What I don't love is consuming my frosty beverage IN the pool only to realize I'll have to EXIT the pool to get another. And this my friends, is no bueno. Especially when exiting means burning my feet on the deck, inevitably grabbing a sopping wet towel, and giving my fellow partygoers a bird's eye view of my bathing suited bottom. No thank you. Enter the rolling outdoor bar cart. Truly, has there ever before been such a great invention? Stylishly rugged and perfectly functional, it's like a personal mini-cooler but classy. You know, 'cause classy is what I'm going for after my umpteenth frosty beverage. Pruney on the other hand? I'll toast to that.


P.S. I realize I haven't provided you with a price on the B&B Italia cart, but I'm gonna go out on a limb and say that any piece requiring a price request from a manufacturer is a piece too pricey for me. Mmmmmkay?

(B&B 1966 collection bar cart by Richard Schultz, West Elm barrow bar cart)

A Tale of Two Hats

38 years ago today, my parents were married in Palm Springs at my grandparent's home. My mom wore a gorgeous silk organza dress made by my grandmother, and my dad rocked a handlebar mustache like it was his job. They were introduced by friends, and what ensued was a love affair rooted in travel, laughter, and great design. The running joke is that my dad taught my mom to read a map, and my mom taught my dad how to dress, how to decorate, how to entertain, and well, everything else outside of geography. This photo was taken on their honeymoon in Hawaii, clearly before class was in session. (SWEET hat, Dad.) The moral of the story, you ask? Today is my parents' anniversary and they're kinda the coolest peeps I know, so I thought I'd celebrate totally humiliating them with this pic! I know, I know, I'm a great daughter.

Happy anniversary, Mom and Dad. Thanks for teaching ME everything I needed to know about life and love and well, everything. I love you guys. (And your rad attire.)

Desktop Delusions

Remember back in the day when desks consisted of pretty paper and pens, trusty landlines and physical address books? Hell, remember when desks were a necessity?? Me neither. Much like the days of the Dinosaur, I’m pretty sure the era existed, but outta sight, outta mind. Today though, with my cell phone hanging off my ear like some tribal accessory, my laptop heating up my legs like a cheap TV dinner and my TiVo on reality show overdrive, I’m wondering if life would be easier with a simple Rolodex and a smile. Okay maybe not easier, but certainly more stylish. Just ask Betty Draper.


(hand printed poster by Hable Construction, Jonathan Adler nelson minor lamp, 1950s phone index via Present and Correct, kartell hi cut chairs at Design Public, airia desk by Herman Miller via Velocity Art and Design)

Weekly Whiteout

(image via Julia)

This staircase could be headed towards the 7th circle of Hell and I'd still think it was rad. Word.

P.S. Just noticed my dining chair in the background. Woot! Makes me feel better about the whole Hell thing.

Let's Get Fresh

There are SO many things to love about the desert, but let me tell you, farmer’s markets are not on the list. In fact, I tend to get excited about a single fresh fruit stand on the side of a dirt road. What I wouldn’t give to grab my adorable reusable tote, hop on my beach cruiser (with a basket of course) and head to the daily market for French bread, fresh strawberries and perhaps, a bunch of beautiful flowers. Instead though, I’ll water my cactus, stare longingly at my mountain bike covered in dust, use my tote for the pool, and justify my five-dollar Starbucks because, well, you get it.


(ceramic colander at Cox & Cox, farmers market baskets from Jayson Home and Garden, reusable tote from Baggu, vintage table from Jayson Home and Garden, emeco navy side chair with wood seat from Design Within Reach)

Frugal Fridays - Sunny Skies Ahead

How retro is too retro? Would you rock a sunburst mirror in your home? Personally, I think the space needs to be ideal in order to pull it off. Regardless, I'd be down for paying $69.99 and getting it half right. Hmmmm, I wonder if lots of tiny little mirrors make one appear like a tiny little skinny person. I'd definitely fork over the coin for that wondrous perk.

(raindrops gold contemporary mirror by Uttermost at Amazon, sunburst mirror at Target)

Suicide by Ceiling Fan

Lights on ceiling fans make me want to die. Seriously, they’re like the bane of my existence. I know they’re functional, but come on people. Oh and by the way, I happen to have one in my bedroom…mostly because I’d rather spend money on more glamorous things right now than well, fans, but trust me, the horror of it all keeps me up at night. Annnnnyway, while floor lamps don’t creep me out nearly as much, they’re a close second. Until, that is, I saw this beauty from Pieces. I’ve fallen for it hard. You see? This is why the ceiling fan continuously haunts my dreams. Stupid ceiling fan.

P.S. I realize that ceiling fans themselves are pretty heinous, but with summers that see 115 degrees, it could be hot pink and glittery and I’d still keep it. Hmmm, maybe not pink.

P.P.S. I think I'd move to Atlanta if for no other reason than to shop at Pieces. And yes, the ceiling fan would come with me.

(area organic duvet cover and shams at Design Public, driftwood mirror at Crate and Barrel, kenzan wallpaper by Romo via Walnut Wallpapers, glass cylinder floor lamp via Pieces, parsons bench from Ballard Designs, mirrored side table from Décor Pad)

Weekly Whiteout

(image via Busy Being Fabulous)

If you've never checked out Muji, I assure you, you're missing out. I stumbled into their store last time I was in London and have never been happier to be lost. (VERY lost, but that's a story for a different day.) Simple design and affordable prices, Muji offers everything from t-shirts to travel stuff. And they're advertising ain't too shabby either. Oh and no, this is not a plug for the brand, I just get really distracted by great shopping. Mmmmm, shopping.

Boo-Yah, We're Back in Business

(first seen on Poppytalk)
Happy Tuesday, friends! I'm back, with limited vision, but back nonetheless. You know, kind of like a pirate sans patch. Though, I've had several offers for bedazzled patches that personally, I'd happily rock the hell out of. Thank you. In honor of this boo-yah worthy event, I thought I'd dig this doily out of my archives. I have one gracing my console table and let's be honest, it's just plain fun.

Hope you're well, hope I didn't lose ya forever, and hope to see you around the hood! (Pun intended.)

Taking Some Time...

(image by Sweet Eventide)
Friends, thought I'd let you know I'm taking a few days off from blogging. It's not you, it's me. Ha. No but seriously, it really is me.
Usually, I like to keep my personal life, well, personal, but I just wanted to take a moment to thank you for supporting me in ways you couldn't have known you were. You see, last year, I was diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis. That's right, me and Montel! (You know you were thinking it.) I started blogging shortly thereafter, kind of as a way to escape into something I love. Lately though, my vision hasn't been so great and it's made posting more difficult. Hence the time off. I promise not to go too far though! In fact, I'm hoping to be back next week. In the meantime it's like we're just on a feel free to see other people. (No pun intended.)
Until we meet again!

Weekly Whiteout

(image shot by Sara Dorio, first seen on Desire to Inspire)

So, I know I talk a lot about my grandfather who was an architect, but my other grandfather was equally as amazing. He started the photography department at City College of San Francisco and served as its chairman for more than 40 years. I have endless memories of him carting his equipment around, and his images are as stunning today as they were back then. You'd think there'd be some chance of me inheriting his eye or maybe even his skills (my dad is also a great photographer), but seriously? Not so much. Remember the images of the modern home tour I took? Riiiiggghhhhtttt.

Anyway, all that to say that I'm in awe of people who take beautiful pictures, Sara Dorio being one of them. This shot lives on the home page of her website and I think it's stunning. The sweet white interior isn't so shabby either.

An Open Letter

Dear Painting by Amanda Talley,

I want you. Do you want me? Check yes or no.

Hugs and hearts,

("philip street" by Amanda Talley)

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