Silent Nights

Lovely readers, that's going to do it for me in 2010. The hubs and I are leaving 70 degree weather and headed for Chi-town where it's, well, NOT 70 degree weather. If I don't return, it's because I've frozen to death while taking a breather during the walk to my car after too much Italian. I'm just sayin', it could happen. (Shiver.)

On a more serious note, I hope you have a spectacular holiday! It's ended up being a pretty great year on our end and I truly hope the same for you. I have much to be thankful for including those of you that read this little blog and make me feel like I have more to offer the world than ad copy. Bah. I'll be back up and running January 3 with lots to report, including the launch of an AMAZING new jewelry line from two dear friends (think chic vintage meets vintage Anthropologie), the best gift I've ever given myself and exciting updates from the home front.

Until we meet again, here’s to dear friends, beloved family, treasured memories and new beginnings. Smooches!

(photo via Imapix's Flickr)

Weekly Whiteout

Love the styling in this photo, and the Christmas tree offers the perrrrfect amount of maintenance!

(image first seen on Automatism)

Holiday Inn

I’ve successfully put off a lot of Christmas related responsibilities by watching far too many episodes of House Hunters International. On one hand, it’s probably better for my wellbeing than Real Housewives of Hot Mess, but on the other, it’s really making me want to purchase a second home abroad. You know, just a quaint little farmhouse where I could stomp some grapes, write some bestsellers and ignore my bills back home. Is that too much to ask?

(Azienda Agricola Mandranova resort)

Pop the Top

Our New Year’s celebrations usually consist of pizza and primetime, but I’d be happy to throw a big bash if it meant rocking these shoes. I mean honestly, when else could I get away with it?? The earrings on the other hand, I somehow think I’d be okay wearing every day. Flip flops and all.

(twirl carolina heels from Kate Spade, diamond satellite earclips at 1st Dibs, dusted caramel truffles from Charbonnel, snowflake crackers from Sur la Table, ticker tape tidbit plates from Kate Spade, hungry bowls from DWR, edge flutes at Crate and Barrel, burlap wrapped vase floral arrangement at Jayson Home and Garden)

Cocktails and Dreams

Some of my favorite holiday memories have stemmed from cocktail parties with friends. They're where nobody takes themselves too seriously, high heels are always banned, and gifts like the fish bag are a welcome addition. As much as I love getting dressed up for a beautiful dinner this time of year, there's also something to be said for consuming cheap wine and frozen appetizers while wearing elastic pants. Don't judge, you know you love it.

(massimo giacon & alessi's nativity at A+R Store, handlebar mustache corkscrew from Fred Flare, lacquer bar cart by Jonathan Adler, vino wine glasses from Crate and Barrel, eno’s blow bowls from A+R Store, ice buckets by Iomoi, elf candleholder from CB2)

Weekly Whiteout - Wonderland Style

What’s fun and fresh and white all over? Holiday brunch with your girlfriends of course! Sans kids. And husbands. And red wine. Hmmm, okay, maybe red wine.

(estate dinnerware at Neiman Marcus, radiant votive from Anthropologie, paper flower wreath from West Elm, dessert table by Amy Atlas, snowball fight decorations from Anthropologie, scalloped cake stand at Williams Sonoma)

Tinsel for Two

I'm a December baby, as is my mom, and for that reason she's always made it a magical month for our family. From perfectly wrapped gifts to endless white twinkly lights, my mom has a way of making everything beautiful, including her dining table. Every night leading up to the New Year is a celebration, though it's never the same look. (Baffling.) So, I thought I'd continue the tradition this week by bringing you five days of celebratory fun. Frun!

Today is dedicated to the newly married couple, who'd rather spend Christmas Eve snuggled up by the fire than cooking in the kitchen. Forget the turkey, these two are perfectly happy drinking their dinner and heading straight to dessert. Wondering what sugary treat they'll enjoy?? Why it's chocolate fondue complete with fruit and cheesecake bites for dipping. That's right, Melting Pot style. Live it up, year has your in-laws written alllll over it.

(red sequin stocking from Pier 1, portable fireplace, gala fondue set at Crate and Barrel, cashmere throw at Restoration Hardware, red Chanel lipstick, Mr. and Mrs. Cocktail Set at Furbish Studio)

Pimpin' in Paradise

Oh, hello there. Don’t mind me. I just flew into the Maldives on my private jet for the weekend. If anyone needs me, I’ll be reading/sleeping/drinking mojitos on the deck. Though, you’ll have to schedule an appointment with my pool boy/surf instructor/gourmet chef/master masseuse. Sigh.

(Bayantree Vabbinfaru Hotel and Resort - Maldives)

Somethin's Fishy Up in Here

Today in the office we had a white elephant gift exchange. Ever heard of it? Essentially, peeps bring gifts that are fun or just plain funny, and you can steal from others to get what you want. I ended up with a sweet rainbow trout beer cooler bag. That’s right. It looks just like this, but with a long strap and enough room for a six-pack. Two words: Brew ya.

Don’t be jealous.

Weekly Whiteout

LinkDoes anyone else feel like they're drowning in work or is it just me? Drowning. Drowning I say! Wish I was drowning in this comfy bed. Or on the chair. Or hell, the bench. Sigh.

Stupid Tuesday.

(image via Birch SF)

Metal Head

I have a thing for industrial design. Maybe it stems from my dream of someday living in a loft with exposed pipes and floor to ceiling windows, or maybe it’s the thrill of never having to Windex a glass-top again. Regardless, I heart it…enough to even throw in a pop of red.

(flowers by Birch San Francisco, flock bone china pattern at Designed in England – platter, bowl, mug, zinc top dining table on wheels from Balsamo, big block lamp with red cord from SF Moma, marais A chair at Design Within Reach)

On The Rocks

Last August, my husband and I road-tripped to my family's pad in Sun Valley, Idaho by way of Utah. The landscape was incredible and the thrill of the open road was just what I needed. What I didn't need, however, was the night we spent in a motel just outside of Zion. Obviously the park was allllll kinds of awesome, but this place? Not so much. There was a huge storm that night that soaked the carpet in our room and shook the paper-thin walls. Speaking of walls, let's just say I knew exactly where the tour group next door was heading the following day. But no, they didn't keep me up. The slab of rock called our bed did that job just fine. Now, don't get me wrong, I'm not a girl who needs 5-stars to be happy. In fact, I've had just as good a time in a Motel 6 as I have in a Ritz (you know what I mean), but one look at the new Amangiri resort has me rethinking my standards. Designed to blend into the Southern Utah landscape, it's a study of both minimalist beauty and full-service luxury. So yeah, while I may gravitate more towards beer and pretzels than champagne and caviar, something tells me I'd be right at home at the Amangiri. Sigh.

(Amangiri luxury resort hotel)

Weekly Whiteout

I'm all for this gorgeous bed cohabiting with the modern chair. The windows and floors are kind of speaking to me, too. You know, if you're into that whole "natural light" thing. Great for makeup, maybe not so much for the random chin hair you'd rather ignore. I'm just sayin'.

(image via Living Etc.)


Happy Thanksgiving, boys and girls! Do you have big plans? We're heading to Palm Springs for some fun in the sun, and stuffing, and wine, and family, and wine, and well, you get it. Turkey Day is the big holiday with our clan, and the time I get to catch up with aunts, uncles, cousins - generally my favorite people on the planet. It’s been a long-standing tradition that before getting our grub on, we all stand in a circle, hold hands, and have the opportunity to give thanks for the year’s biggest blessings. Sounds cheesy, but it actually rocks. It’s the place we’ve all laughed and cried, honored those loved and lost and voiced our thoughts about the most memorable moments. I have a lot to be thankful for this year, including each of you. So thanks so much for reading and giving me another thing to talk about. My family will be thrilled. xo

(images via Emmas Design Blog)

Weekly Whiteout

Mirror, mirror on the wall...I think I love you. Sigh.

(image via DecoFabulous photostream)

A Marriage of Style and Scenery

Holy balls am I behind today. Happy Monday! Grrrrr. Okay, while Mondays may not be my fave, this wedding was. Remember when my girlfriend got married last month and I promised you some pics? Well, here they are. How beautiful is this couple (er, the bride and groom not the bride and me)? How amazing is the scenery?? Everything from the food to the flowers to the mood was perfection, and I couldn't be more thrilled for the happy couple. Speaking of flowers, check out the bride’s blog and see what we did for $100. WORD.

Frugal Fridays - Don a New Day

Can't you just see Don Draper passed out here? Empty bottle of booze in one hand, half-lit cig in the other. Pending a disastrous fire, me thinks that's a hot enough scene to try and recreate in my own home. No pun intended.

(Design Within Reach Bantam Sofa, Urban Outfitters Night and Day Convertible Sofa)

West Elm To The Rescue

Every September, I seem to always declare that this year will be different. I will shop early, wrap immediately and not sweat the mall the week before Christmas. Think I’ve stuck to my guns? Not so much. All I can say is, thank GOD for West Elm. Have you been there lately? Not only does their style and home décor rock my world, but this year they seem to have something for everyone. Today I looked through stocking stuffers, gifts for him and her, presents for kids and about 1,000 things I’ll buy for myself and make my husband wrap. Take that, Restoration Hardware.

Hello Lovah

Today I’m dreaming of blowing this popsicle stand and heading to the surf, sand and sun in style. Have you ever stayed at a Rosewood resort? I have not, but I feel like this one would complete me. Sorry, hubs, you can come too...unless you want to do something active in which case the deal is off.

(Rosewood Mayakoba, Riviera Maya, Mexico)

Weekly Whiteout

I love this room. Partially because it makes me laugh that it's located in England and not Arizona, but mostly because of how cozy it feels. There's something about the small size of the space, large windows and sweet fireplace that makes me want to sit on the floor with a cup of coffee and bask in the morning sun. Glorious.

(home via Shoot Factory)

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