Silent Nights

Lovely readers, that's going to do it for me in 2010. The hubs and I are leaving 70 degree weather and headed for Chi-town where it's, well, NOT 70 degree weather. If I don't return, it's because I've frozen to death while taking a breather during the walk to my car after too much Italian. I'm just sayin', it could happen. (Shiver.)
On a more serious note, I hope you have a spectacular holiday! It's ended up being a pretty great year on our end and I truly hope the same for you. I have much to be thankful for including those of you that read this little blog and make me feel like I have more to offer the world than ad copy. Bah. I'll be back up and running January 3 with lots to report, including the launch of an AMAZING new jewelry line from two dear friends (think chic vintage meets vintage Anthropologie), the best gift I've ever given myself and exciting updates from the home front.
Until we meet again, here’s to dear friends, beloved family, treasured memories and new beginnings. Smooches!
(photo via Imapix's Flickr)