Rub-A-Dub Delight

I don’t know how you feel about baths, but I have kind of a thing for them. Not so much when it’s 100+ degrees outside, but you get the point. It’s the one place I can get away with a magazine or book and just BE. Don’t get me wrong, I don’t do it every night or anything crazy like that as I really do hate wasting water, but let’s be real – hiding out on the toilet isn’t nearly as glamorous/comfortable/rejuvenating. Good thing my bathroom isn’t as pretty as this one…my husband would have to send a search party. Link
(atom floor mirror from Lamps Plus, image via Living Etc., Jonathan Adler lacquer bath accessories, brit duck at Urban Outfitters, perpetual blooms towel via Anthropologie, white vanity stool at Bed Bath & Beyond)

Weekly Whiteout

(image seen on Flickr via DecoFabulous)

This room somewhat reflects my own. You know, the room in my mind where I live in Stockholm with all my magazines neatly stacked, and my artwork on the floor because it just looks cooler. Where I awaken every morning to watch sailboats quietly drift by before gracefully rolling out of my low-lying bed without throwing out my back, because well, I am young and agile. You know the one.

Now Casting: Goldmember

If I never had to worry about coffee or wine stains, dirty shoes, pen marks or desert dust of any kind, I may rock this look. I love how tailored the piping on the couch looks while the lines keep it inviting. Oh and the chairs on casters have me swooning, and not just for the convenience factor. They’re pretty great in and of themselves, but the fact that they would speed up a trip to the kitchen/bar/TiVo certainly doesn’t hurt. Hey, don’t judge me, I’m on a tight schedule. (You know you were thinking it.)

(glass marine bowls from Williams Sonoma Home, serena drum chandelier at Jayson Home & Garden, graham and brown barbara hulanicki wallpaper in diva pattern oyster via Design Public, horatio two-seater sofa from House to Home, metal coffee table with x-base and tub back chairs from Pieces)

Frugal Fridays - Junk in the Trunk

I realize the issue of the clear trunk has kind of been beaten to death in the "blogosphere" (also a term I feel has been beaten to death, for the record) but I can't help myself. It's kind of like having too much chocolate/great sex/delicious wine/rich cheese. I mean really, is there such a thing? I've had the Lucite debate with my interior designer mother who feels when empty, the look can be beautiful. But when full of, well, crap, it's "unequivocally hideous." Thank you. Personally, I'm on the fence. I can picture it now, under my console table with a perfectly folded stack of gorgeous blankets tucked inside. Not that I 1.) own any gorgeous blankets or 2.) have ever folded my mediocre blankets perfectly, but whatever. Now I'm picturing it under the same table sitting empty. Instead of my mother's voice it's now my husband's, and it kinda sounds like this: "We spent how much on a storage trunk that doesn't store anything? Perfect." Obviously, I haven't figured out the CPU of this item yet. If only the thought of filling the trunk with TV remotes, mail and newspapers didn’t make me itchy. Sigh.

(Plexi-craft trunk, Serge de Troyer trunk at Vivre)

Quality vs. Quantity...and a dash of the Queen

Despite being more of a “desert rat” these days, I spent some time in London as a kid. For several years I wore a uniform (tie and all) to attend British school, held afternoon tea parties and even inherited a bit of an accent. That’s right, at age seven I was ahead of both Madge and Gwennie in the trend-setting department. Though my affection for pubs, the Boots brand, and for a brief time, Benson and Hedges cigs, came later, I fell in love with the simplicity of European living early long. Daily market jaunts, garden parties, fog, and “popping ‘round to friends down the way” wearing wellies and a poorly-placed bun became my part of my routine. On my way to work this morning during my new routine, I got to thinking about those years. What I realized while stopping-and-going, getting and giving the bird, stressing about deadlines, and trying to keep my makeup from completely melting off my face, is that there’s a lot to be said for simplicity. The tchotchke-less, chapstick-only-wearing, good-quality, basic looks and styles that lend themselves to easy living and the all around “simple life.” You know, one that includes a little more London…and a lot less Paris. Word.

(Image via Skona Hem, nested rose bowls from White Forest Pottery, pearl buttons on canvas by Ann Carrington, Hunter wellies, Pottery Barn striped jute rug, old steel mill shelf unit from Modern 50)

Join the Campaign

(images via Craigslist, and It's Great to be Home)
Campaign furniture seems to be everywhere these days. Question is, where do you stand on the issue?

Weekly Whiteout - Kick Ass Edition

(Victorian house in Crouch End, via Light Locations)

Ever had so much chemistry with someone you felt like you may die if you didn't make him/her yours? The butterflies, the cold sweats, the odd desire to procreate no matter the location? Friends, meet this house. With a mutual love of white, linen, and the amalgamation of charming and old with shiny and new, it seems we're a match made in heaven. Truth be told, we're contemplating a torrid affair. No need to feel left out, though, as you're welcome to be a part of it. You know, 'cause we're into that kinda thing.

Riddle Me This...

(print from Mae Chevrette)

What’s got great weather, patio-approved meals, heavy pours, a cuddly lab, and all the “OMG, I may have just peed my pants” laughter you can handle? My best friend’s house at the beach, that’s what. I’m headed there this afternoon, and in t-minus four hours I’ll have traded in my keyboard for a cocktail. Or ten. I don’t know about you, but the last few weeks have been a real bitch up in here. (Did I tell you I needed a shot in my eyeball?? Uh, what dude?) But it’s nothing a little best-friend-time-on-the-deck can’t heal. And yes, I’m talking about my best friend the person, not the frosty brew. Though the brew is a close second.

Anyway, I’m sorry I can’t stick you in my suitcase, but I promise to toast to you tonight. Though, I hope you don't mind if I don't pour any out for the homies, because really, that’s just irresponsible drinking. And that’s no fun for anyone.

Happy weekend, Homies. See you Monday!

Wet 'n Wild

Half of me believes that shoes should come off before walking on the carpet (handy, since I’m rarely wearing them anyway), dishes should be matching and put away neatly, and the only way anyone should sit on my furniture with a wet towel is if there happens to be a tsunami. Right outside my door. The other half though, knows I would be equally as content collecting mugs from Goodwill and lounging on my leather sofa fresh off the beach in a wet bathing suit. Who am I kidding, a cover-up would be in attendance too. Duh.

(Image via House of Turquoise, painting by Andy Davis, sofa from Anthropologie, manchester media stand at Urban Outfitters, bird on a wire coat rack from Huset)

Weekly Whiteout

(image via Julia.)

We've heard the saying, "when one door closes, another one opens" and well, looks like it's spot on. Or is it, "when one door closes, a window opens"? Hmmmm. Regardless, this photo and its doors are all kinds of awesome. Can you believe the details in the molding?? Deeeeelicious.

Family Matters

First, Monsieur Bar. A recent Craigslist find, he’s got a retro style but his Lucite frame and glass shelves are top-notch modern. Always on the move, he likes his drinks stiff and his women, well, not. Second on deck is Mr. Pendant Lamp. He keeps things bright but his dimmer can turn down the mood with the flip of a switch. Just ask Mrs. Newly Framed Photos. He’s been keeping her illuminated with his charms for a couple weeks now. And what wonders lighting can do. Since the two sides of the Mrs. are equally as beautiful, I chose to mount them in one frame instead of splitting her in two. (She really appreciated it.) And last but not least, the identical twins I plucked from obscurity at West Elm this weekend for $59. Originally designed as bath seats, I noticed that when their terrycloth pillows were removed they really had a chance to shine. Though some questioned their abilities, they’ve helped get our family organized practically over night as bedside tables. And don’t even get me started on their good looks. Secretly, I think they inherited them from their mother.

Frugal Fridays - I Love a Good Caning

My apologies for the ridiculously late post! Somehow this day has just gotten away from me, as has my sanity. Something to snap me back to reality though, are these amazing Marcel Breuer chairs I found on eBay. Design Within Reach has just started carrying them again, and these are the real, vintage deal. Not only that, but $85…that's less than $100 people. Someone out there from Florida, you must pick them up! For all of us on the other side of the country!!! (Deep breath.) Okay, I’m done ranting now.

Happy Friday, peeps. I hope you have much relaxation and possibly cocktails in your future. Or if you're like me and the week I've had, 100 cocktails. Mmmmm, beer.

Sick of the Slick

(print by Flapper Doodle for Help the Gulf Coast)

Friends, today I have a confession. The lighthearted dialogue and easy-going images I usually like to feature just aren’t really doin’ it for me right now. You see, while I so wish I could name blogging as my profession, it’s actually my job in media that pays the bills. Media that necessitates I watch every heart-wrenching image of the gut-wrenching Gulf Oil spill/catastrophe on hundreds of TVs. All. Day. Long. I am exhausted. I am disgusted. I am filled with anger. I am saddened beyond belief. More than anything, I feel I am helpless.

While I could bore you to tears with stories I’ve read, videos I’ve seen and opinions I’ve formed, I’m not going to. What I AM going to do is point you in the direction of the Help the Gulf Coast collective Etsy shop that has been formed. Sellers have donated tons of items, from art to jewelry to housewares, and 100% of the proceeds are going straight to Oxfam. They’ve already given $500 and well, I just couldn’t think of anything more important to share with you today. Personally, I’m thinking of picking up the adorable print above. Because well, I’d love to hug a pelican today, or at least feel a little less helpless.

Evaluate Your Vanity

My grandmother's vanity was my very own treasure trove, where each small drawer held some kind of glorious wonder. Buttons the color of the sea, ribbon spun with gold flecks, huge Chanel pearl earrings. And on top, her antique silver pill boxes and hair brushes, always so neatly arranged next to family photos in pewter frames. I remember watching her carefully in the mirror as she applied subtle loose powder and coral lipstick that made her blue eyes even bluer. Considering her morning rituals were a FAR cry from my own, this memory makes me wonder if my grandkids will find me as glamorous as I found her. You know, as I sit perched on the toilet seat in sweats with hot rollers in my hair, applying my "face" using a broken compact mirror from the late 90s. Classy.

P.S. Thoughts on the tin ceiling tile headboard?

(etched glass votives at Beach Dwelling, llanfair blanket from Toast, image via Casa Sugar, parsons vanity from West Elm, elephant stool via Haus Interior)

Weekly Whiteout

(photo shot by Stellan Herner and styled by Lo Bjurulf. First seen on Emmas Design Blog)

One of my all-time favorite photos me thinks. I love how glamorous Lo Bjurulf makes everyday household items appear. If only I could get her to "style" my laundry room. Sigh.

Well Hung

I planned on showing you the art I have adorning my walls today, but in typical Monday fashion my camera is dead. Booooo. (I am, of course, completely blameless for this mishap.) So instead, I thought I'd share a few pieces inspiring me lately. We have a few large paintings by my uncle up, a couple watercolors, and some new photographs I’m kinda obsessed with, but the collection still feels a little incomplete. Alas, the search continues. Sigh.

I’m a longtime fan of lightboxes, and I’m quickly falling for these silkscreened images on balsa wood. I have a feeling, thanks to the show “9 By Design” that lightboxes will now be seen everywhere, but I’m drawn to them nonetheless. And don’t get me started on the Wise Math painting by Michelle Armas. Love, love, LOVE.

So on this Monday I’m wondering…what say you? Do you tend to follow a pattern when it comes to art? Do you lean mostly prints? Paintings? Photographs? Personal or otherwise? Or do you mix it up?

(wise math painting by Michelle Armas, jefdesigns Sea Fan Limited Edition Lightbox Painting at Design Public, stallion on balsa wood by Ross Menuez from Areaware, cloudscape on balsa wood by Ross Menuez from Areaware, hand printed posters by Hable Construction, blue series paintings at Haus Interior)

Frugal Fridays - Deskercise Your Right to Save

I'm able to justify the purchase of certain items by calculating the CPU, otherwise known as "Cost Per Use." The conversation with myself goes something like this: "Hmmm, this purse is $300. That's a lot. But really, I'm going to use it every day for the next year which means it's actually going to cost me less than $1 a day. Hell, I'm saving money!" Done and done. That's kind of how I feel about this desk. You see, the more beautiful a desk, the more likely I am to sit at it. The more I sit at my desk, the more money I make. Therefore, it's an investment with a guaranteed return. Not to mention I’d already be saving $1,301 by purchasing the Z. Gallerie desk over the Jonathan Adler. So when you think about it, I'd actually be losing money if I didn't buy it. (Er, something.) Phew, glad I dodged that bullet!

And so concludes today’s class. Now friends, go forth and utilize this knowledge with confidence during your weekend shopping pursuits! If anyone’s looking for me, I’ll be the girl with a full cart at Target, air-writing equations during checkout.

(white lacquer channing desk by Jonathan Adler, white lacquer jett desk from Z. Gallerie)

Pitching a Tent... for the birds. Don't get me wrong I love the outdoors, camping, playing with fire, yada yada, but if I had to choose between a Silver Bullet and well, the ground, I'm bettin' on the Bullet. I know a few camping purists who will shudder at this confession, but I won’t hold it against you. When your hot-dog-on-a-hanger has fallen victim to the campfire, you can still count on me for meal and a mojito, complete with fancy straw. Because that’s just the kind of friend I am. Too bad I don’t actually own an Airstream trailer, but whatever. Logistics shmogistics.

(image via Maggy Moon Interiors, Wm. J. Mills classic duffel, stainless steel straws from Brookfarm General Store, towel by Scents and Feel via One Kings Lane, solar powered radio from the Ethical Superstore, porcelain dinnerware by Cristina Dos Santos first seen in Elle Décor)

All Hail the Porcelain God

Isabelle Abramson is a self-taught artist who makes some of the most beautiful porcelain bowls and vases I have ever seen. Maybe it's her use of negative space I find interesting, or the draw of silver, gold and platinum she incorporates. Whatever the reason, her work is all kinds of amazing and it happens to be the primary focus of my new mission. Like a trained assassin, I have her bowls in my sights and it's only a matter of time before I pull the trigger. Granted, it could be a LONG time (breathe easy, Husband), but I vow not to rest until my mission is complete! (You know, it just occurred to me that in the wrong hands my Sniper-like precision and Samurai-esque dedication could be used for evil. But I digress.) All that to say, Isabelle Abramson's ceramics rock the house and inspired today's board. The end.

And you thought this was just a post dedicated to toilets.

(vintage French sign at Jayson Home and Garden, art deco ashtray at Kraft furniture, white porcelain lace fruit bowl by Isabella Abramson, arctic pear chandelier medium from Ochre,
fretwork cabinet at Pieces)

Weekly Whiteout

(image via Trine Thorsen)

I recently switched our bedding from pale, bluish green to all white. I know, I know, biiiiiig surprise. But truly, there’s something about crisp white sheets and a fluffy white duvet that just makes me feel cooler. No duvet, as my husband reasons, would actually make me feel cooler, but what fun is that? Good thing I have Trine Thorsen to back me up. This photo just screams, “Go ahead, nap, and enjoy the refreshing breeze while you’re at it!” don’t you agree?

Now that that’s settled, I wonder if I could argue the fabulously frilly chandelier equally as necessary for climate control. Stay tuned.

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